Tuesday, October 13, 2009

We may all be going one direction but trust us, it's a 2way street..

We’re a team first and foremost. Every day we come together and execute preset systems along with contributing that sparkle to create an IF experience. There’s no magical secret and it’s nothing you haven’t heard before..

-be 100% when on-task
-follow up

-pay it forward

A team is made from many types of players with plenty similarities but numerous differences which contribute to any team having the potential to be difficult to manage. Think about how challenging it may be to lead 20 different types of people with different ideas down the road. 1 or 2 may change direction (doing it their own way) while those teammates are brought back to square one again (because their way didn’t work and they have to start again) there ends up being 2 more who have changed direction..

What this illiterates is the fact that teams are human and we seem to be programmed to do funny things..like not following a system that is tried and true.

As we all know after writing and sharing one…a personal inventory (pi) is one of the keys to unlocking our behaviours. This tool will help us understand our currency of values/ motivators. This information will be valuable for life. With IF, it will not only let us tell how we prefer to be led but will let us see how tricky we are to lead and should inspire us to come to the table with as much input on how we’re going to improve those behaviours that may be holding us back.

Any relationship requires 2 or more people to come together. What's your currency and are you planning ways to work towards updating any behaviours?

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