Tuesday, February 23, 2010


A specific focus that has a tangible result within a specific timeline. We must stop thinking that a destination is something that we sign up for and that we need to get participants into for the sake of increasing participation numbers.

In regards to a destination, we know that if there is no purpose then there is sure to be no point…meaning we all need a reason to train. We can’t just do it because our neighbour is doing it or that we want to be fit. Define what it is for you and let’s create a plan and therefore have a purpose.

As for engagement and customers, we know that engaging customers is similar to engaging a teammate. Therefore it all starts with self…for example, we need to commit – take the step which means getting into the driver’s seat and following through. Direct what you want to happen.

With customers, it means aligning ones goals with theirs.

· The coach who is training for a triathlon trains with a customer training for a bike event one day, trains with a customer training for a swim event another and trains with a customer training for a running destination on another day (a coach is able to complete a busy personal training program by engaging customers on their training – ez)

· We as coaches always need to be training out of our comfort zone. Every time we step out of our comfort zone we are then able to lead and challenge customers on new levels (we can’t just think there will be a limit to our customers abilities because they will pass us by if we limit ourselves – common sense)

Our mission statement is to facilitate personal reinvention through physical challenge, adversity and victory. These means creating a plan and following through until completion and revisiting throughout to ensure that we are on the correct path.

So, what’s your purpose?

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