Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Self, TEAM, operations and customers

We must understand that team engagement is a day to day process. Day to day we work with one another and we need to be focused on our own high standards while keeping others in mind. Day to day we must work with one another with respect to our common goals.

· Keep the training floor clean for the team (high level of self-standards)

o Running through the gym Dave is on his way to transition customers to the rowers. As he approaches them he notices 2 thera bands on the ground (one attached to the lat pull down). Instead of walking by, he quickly unties the one and hangs them both back up.

· Keep the training floor clean for our customers (high level of self-standards)

o As James has a customer jumping from the bosu onto the floor, he quickly moves a bench that is about 5’ away. As he moves it he thinks, ‘I better move this in case my customer falls or trips towards this’

Team engagement includes all communications.

· Sending daily emails (on a personal and professional level)

o Point of interest: Kate, I heard about your Olympic volunteer position…tell me more about that, it sounds awesome!

o Jeff, I have updated the customer files you were referring to. Thanks for the reminder

Team engagement runs through real time experiences.

· On the training floor

o Throwing the tennis ball

o Accolades (nice exercise Kati!)

o Yelling (it’s Thursday! Or Promo!)

o Group work (abs, butt, warm ups, etc.)

· Spending time together

o Coffee

o Back room

o Lunch

o Run or mtb or hike

· Destination + training


o UBC tri

o Grand Canyon

· Personal Inventory meetings

o What we do very well at – thanks for the effort

It is so important that we continue to engage ourselves at the team level. As it starts with self, we must look at the next pieces of the puzzle…

Ask yourself – what can I do for the team today?

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