Thursday, February 11, 2010

You Get Out What You Put In

In chatting with a customer a few days ago we began to once again revisit the goals she has set for herself and her lack of success even though she is in to see us three times a week, insists that her eating isn't too badly, and that she otherwise leads a healthy and active life.

With a little prodding I asked to her to outline what a typical day looks like and she went on to say that her first meal is at noon (she is up at 7am), she has little to drink in the day other than coffee, even though she is a vegetarian and she consumes mostly mostly greens and veggies her downfall is carbs, particularly pasta. When I asked what she truly expected to change when she was unwilling or (her words) unable to change she just said that she is frustrated because she works so hard when she is at IF.

Well, true, sometimes. When she is on time and actually comes three times per week, and isn't travelling or tired or not feeling well. But it is amazing to me that the connection between lack or success and lack of change don't correlate with some people. I truly want her to find success! It is frustrating for both of us when her profile numbers are the same and she is unhappy. But, the thing is you can't want for others what they don't want themselves, or are willing to work for.

On another note, I encourage you to have a look at the link below for some amusing posters that have been put together from the Beijing Olympics. Now those are some people who worked hard and got results!

-Angela Tames

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