To wake up every day and choose to be in a great mood. Eat a healthy breakfast and come to work well before your shift. To help out with any opening duties and offer positive input towards during huddle. To spend the day providing high energy and engaging hours while holding oneself accountable to the highest standards possible. We are totally expected to help with towels, keeping a clean workplace for teammates and customers to participate in plus pick up anything on the ground instead of walking right by…
It’s a simple question in form but not a simple answer at all. Common sense should ring a bell but it seems that common sense is not that common…
The list could go on for a while but some key points to include are as follows:
· 100% - being 100% during a task is so very important. We should want to be this way when doing something only to be moving through tasks with efficiency. When are 100% with something we can complete and move on to the next or just participate at a high level.
· Communication – we should want to choose to work this into our daily lives. Whether that’s pre-calling, following up and or sharing information…the art of communication should be sought after…
· Lead by example – a fairly self-explanatory suggestion but basically setting the bar by just doing. Some are great at talking but those that do and follow through are those who we want to follow and are true leaders.
· Personal accountability – to take responsibility for ones actions is a true test of ones character. It is expected that IF coaches hold themselves accountable to their words and actions.
· Transparency – we all have the opportunity to be truthful and honest. To be open and clear with your intensions or motives builds confidence in those around you. Being transparent helps build trust based relationships and eliminates any possibility of ill feelings.
· Team player – at Innovative Fitness, we are all here for one another. When one falls, there is one to assist to help and another there to take over. Being a team player is part of being unselfish and willing to do for others as you want done for yourself.
· Passion – the team has passion for everything we do and stand for. Whether we are folding towels or leading a group session. Our passion speaks volumes and cannot be matched with being fake or misleading emotions. Our passion comes from within and allows us to take the extra step and similarly go that extra mile.
· Perspective – to have perspective is valuable. We aren’t expected to know everything or be wiser than most, but IF coaches are not one mile wide and an inch deep – we are confident enough to admit when we don’t know something and convey that we will come back with a plan.
· Knowledge – we are hired with at least a base level of knowledge and with the understanding that in order to excel we must strive towards enhancing our knowledge through communication, clinics and asking the questions…
· Aesthetics – not to say that we need chiselled bodies but in order to walk the walk we have to be equipped with the tools…my dentist has pretty nice teeth! But hey, if you haven’t run a 10km, get ready to train with someone who hasn’t either so you can experience it from a-z as well.
· Personality – anyone can train and anyone can provide a session but Innovative Fitness Professional Coaches have what others don’t…personality. It’s that sparkle in the eye and it’s what keeps the controlled chaos in motion. Our personality is expected to shine through and outlast the heaviest storm or blackout.
Our differentiating feature is our x-factor in our personality and all the above points…
What if you could?
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