Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Teller of tales

So all-in-all, we are good – hell, sometimes we are great. We do amazing things for people all the time and we quite often share these experiences.

For the past 90days there has been a group (the leadership forum group) who has been doing detailed weekly recaps. Last week, we started an additional 90days for the entire IF team to do these weekly recaps – sent out on Friday to your current team (in house) and so on…

After the smoke had settled this weekend, wvan had 3 teammates who did not do their recaps – not bad…good, but not great. But on a whole, the recaps were great. There was tons of stuff/information in there that was ‘news to me’ and this is fabulous because it really shows the depth of each teammate.

For me, when I started at IF I didn’t like talking about myself. I was challenged to share and to well…talk about me. This was a hard thing for me to do, but I needed to understand the reasoning’s behind the concept. It had nothing to do with ‘being all high and mighty’ or ‘bragging’. It wasn’t ‘hey look at me on this pedestal’ it was all about sharing what I was up to and sharing my personal experiences to educate and provide education or personal perspective. Guess what, we all have great things to say and share. We all have the opportunity to help out one-another…

‘Twice the beauty is seen when shared’ – ever heard this before? Well you should have in wvan because it’s on all of our computers. When we take the time to share our experiences with coaches and customers we empower, educate and story tell…we are making the experience or lesson reachable and attainable to those who listen.

Now there’s the catch – all of this sharing is useless if we do not listen…in other words, if we are not paying attention to the message, the lesson is not absorbed, not understood, not shared and ultimately not being paid forward.

Remember, Great leaders are excellent communicators. They make the time to perfect the craft of relaying information in a relevant manner both verbal & non that everyone understands AND will make sure that they follow up on their coaching to ensure the information is being correctly passed on.

So, what do you need to follow up on that you have shared?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Like it Richard - definitely something that we all benefit from - just a little bit of sharing!