Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Change? Not so easy...

Ah, Obama...I actually feel badly for him.

Not because I think, in the long run, history won't smile on him... I mean, let's be honest, he can't really make anything worse. He took over a country that was losing in every way - if he accomplishes 1/10th of what he wants, it's still going to be an improvement.

But I feel more for him in regards to the expectations that were laid out - partly on his campaign, and partly because of what people wanted to hear. If anyone paid any attention to people as a whole, or society in general, they'd know that IF change comes, it comes slowly... and the fact that he took office and wasn't able to wave his magic wand, only to see the economy turn around as well as having Republicans and Democrats agreeing (on anything) - well, suddenly people are joining the line-up for departure from the band wagon.

I can only assume Obama knew this was coming, and is soldiering through it with his goal in mind... for this, I admire him, and it's a lesson to us all to think long term, not letting emotions or popularity sway us from our course. Nevertheless, even if you're prepared for it... it can't feel good. Having people saying things like "reality bites" or, "you promised me x and haven't delivered" must weigh heavily on your shoulders.

I just hope that he continues to show the qualities that his campaign showed - dedication, commitment and passion. After all - he still has at least 3.92 years in office to make the difference he promised... how many people are given that much time and latitude?

On the other hand... how many people are running one of the most powerful countries in the world...


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