Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Rules, who needs em?

We do – we need guidelines to keep us in check. We need structure to keep ourselves heading in the right direction…or at least the best direction for overall.
What kind or rules are important? Rules for driving, cooking – yes. We even have rules for health and fitness. We know them, or at least we know the ones we say on a daily basis. It’s important to streamline some of these rules and keep the message consistent.
Simple rules to life – weekly, we need…
A half day of light cardio
A vigorous workout
A core stability class like yoga or Pilates
Berries, nuts, fruits, grains, vegetables, clean meats and water
To laugh out loud
To be challenged to be better than the day before..
Now we could go on for ever about all the different rules (and we do) but the last rule seems to stand out.
I was talking with a friend last night. She had text me the day before ‘rich, I need a meal plan that I can follow’
When I got home I emailed her, attached a copy of our 30day cleanse and simply wrote ‘when you read this thoroughly, you will be able to make an educated decision on what you can follow’
A couple hours later I received a call from her and she was pumped. She hadn’t read the attachment yet, but she was loving the underlying tone of the challenge being placed upon her. I told her that I would hold her accountable to what she decided to do – but that I didn’t want to waste my time if she couldn’t commit to a proper challenge.
We began to talk about some simple rules to go by and it was then that I told her about some simple rules for ones week. It was like something clicked – she was hooked.
‘oh, ya – no problem, I really appreciate this’, she replied.
We said goodbye and set a time to talk mid week after she would had thoroughly read the nutrition document.
He last words that night - ‘thanks for the challenge’

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