Monday, February 2, 2009

Importance of group training!

What makes group training so affected? Why do people skip workouts if there are by themselves yet when meeting a group they will be the first ones there.

The concepts of group training are simple.

1) It holds you accountable.

If you did not show up to your group training, you would be letting someone down, you would get behind in the training and you would feel guilty for not showing up. With group training, you specifically put aside time to meet up with the group to go for a bike ride or swim.
For example, this past Saturday I met up with a customer at 7am to go swimming. I know that if we had not made this arrangement, I probably would of gone later, instead of just getting it done earlier. We both held each other accountable and we both did not want to let each other down.

2) Group training provides you with support.

We all love to be supported and most of us are lucky to be supported in some shape or form.
I believe that when a big group is training for an event it becomes contagious and more people want to be involved. If you look at the Oliver Half Iron Man event this year, we have over 20 customers and coaches taking part. It felt that as soon as one person decided to sign up, everyone else followed. That is the prime reason I am participating in it this year. I love the aspect of having numerous training partners, having that group camaraderie both during the training and on race day, and having the support from everyone.

The Oliver Half Iron Man is just one scenario that I have mentioned. There are many other events with this sort of concept, Sun Run, riding across Canada/Australia, and West Coast Trail, just to name a few.

The training that you do together creates special bonds between the group, with memories, laughter and conversations that you have during the long rides and runs. During the race you know that you will finish because at the finish line there will be someone there to congratulate you, hug you and say 'Yes we did it'.

When you reflect on the event you probably will not remember how many miles you ran or kilometers you biked. But you will remember the fun times you had with the group and how at your darkest moments in your training, you had a team there 100% supporting and motivating you to finish. The beauty of group training!

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