Monday, February 16, 2009

Get Outside

This past weekend I hope we all were able to get outside and enjoy the beautiful sunshine. I know personally, after months of being inside for the winter it is now time to get outside. Yes it is a little chilly, but once you start moving and your body starts to warm up, you will love that fresh air environment.

We forget how important the Sun and fresh air is towards our bodies.

The sun is one of many stars in our galaxy, which the earth orbits. It is the “mid point” of our solar system and the only known foundation of energy to all living things on Earth. The sun is a prime source of energy and photosynthesis allows the plants to grow. That energy that the plants receive from the sun is then transformed to us when we eat the plants.

We have all heard that exposure to the right amount of sun helps us maintain healthy Vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is made in the skin when it is exposed to the ultraviolet B (UVB) rays in sunshine. This is critical in the formation and maintenance of normal bones. This results in preventing auto-immune diseases, for example, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, and osteoporosis. We only need to get a few minutes a day outside to maintain healthy Vitamin D levels.

Being outside produces the feel good substance such as beta-endorphins and serotonin, which creates that well being after being in the sun. After being outside yesterday I felt much more relaxed and energized to start the work week. We often spend too much time inside on the computer, watching TV and training inside. Now that the weather is better, we need to make a conscious effort to go outside with ourselves and our customers. It not only brightens you day but the customer’s day as well.

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