Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Problem and Solution

I was re-reading sections of "Question Behind the Question" the other day, and something occurred to me.

You ever notice, the people who complain the most and the loudest... are often the ones who are doing the very things that they're complaining about?

"I work too many hours without getting paid..."

"Why should I submit that form? I know the details..."

"People here are just asked to do far too much..."

The other irony of this? Due to the people who are complaining, others have to come in and pick up their slack... and suddenly, little things that would have been handled/maintained easily by a large group of people, are being heaped on the small group of people who DON'T complain... which means that the people who are doing the most work are also the ones who don't bitch about it.

Moral of the story can be summed up in one word: TEAM. And believe me, if I ever decide to have kids, they WILL play a team sport... not just for the physical health and benefit, but because of the real-world lessons that can be learned by participating.

Go team.


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