Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Being there when it goes down is the best part.

This past weekend, we went out to UBC for their annual triathlon. West Van had 17customers and 5coaches participate in the event. For many, it was their first multisport event. To be there for someone’s event is great – to be there for someone’s first event of this type is spectacular.

Last year, I was training with a customer who was anti events and anti training for anything specific – besides wanting to look good in her jeans, she didn’t even want to entertain the conversation of events or destinations.
Well, with a couple outside trail runs and a couple stories from yours truly, we managed to get her slightly interested in a trail run. I may have hooked her on some outfit that she needed and since it looked cool, she was then interested.

Around the same time, I was prepping for my triathlon off season training and she began to become interested in the different disciplines. She had a bike, use to swim and was a great runner…hummm.

Fast forward. The Hallows Eve ½ marathon came up and she signed up! A couple days later, she told me that she signed up for the UBC Olympic Tri and then a couple weeks after that she forwarded her registration for the Oliver ½ Ironman…whoa, talk about jumping 2 feet in!

A couple black berry messages later and we met over coffee. We reviewed a training plan and got her on an option 2. Step by step without missing a beat, she followed the program and listened to her body. She bought books and even called friends all over the world for a little wisdom here and there…

I parked my car on Sunday at UBC and walked through some buildings towards this great spot I knew of – right by the transition. I waited with my camera…the sun came out and the wind died down…there she was! Of course she was the only one running from the change tent in a 2 piece tri suit ;) as she made her way through the gates, she turned the corner and ran straight for her bike…well, what do you know, I was standing right on the other side of the fence, right in front of her gear! Her face lit up when she saw me and it was awesome to see her doing so well. She was gone in a heartbeat and within an hour or so she was back. By this time I repositioned myself for another shot (the bike dismount) as I took some pics I was pleasantly surprised to find out her whole family was there to support her!

She took off for her run and the rest of us all walked over to the finish area. Her husband, mum, ex-husband and his new wife and baby were all there. They were excited to meet me and we had a great chat about physical training and they all expressed how proud of her they were and were very impressed by all the IF jackets walking around and how we were all there to support everyone…

A little while later Deb came cruising into the finish line – she brought a huge smile and the sunshine. It was a great moment as her family was there to support her – I got the last hug and was so happy to have been there to watch through her eyes as that challenge, adversity and victory cycle was completed.

An hour later, I received an email which closes the loop and put a major smile on my face, ‘Thank you again for taking the time to train me, all your support all the time and your encouragement today and always. Icing right now and had good snacks with LOTS of water! Next, wine and Tai food.... Yippeeee!!!!’

Being there when it goes down is the best part.

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