Monday, March 30, 2009

Juno Awards

To see a show live show compared to watching it on TV is a completely different experience, in which there are pro and cons to both.

Previously when watching an award show on TV, you always wonder what happens live when the commercials are running, does the show continue and the viewers miss part of show or does the live show come to a stand still while the audience waits for the commercials to end?

In actual fact the live show comes to stand still and the TV production takes precedence. The big screen becomes dark, there is a lull while the set on stage is being changed for the next performer and the Master of Ceremonies is having a costume change. Occasionally, on some of the commercial breaks there was some interaction with the stars, but the performers and presenters were all getting ready for when the cameras were ready to roll again.

It was interesting being in the live audience for these awards. Seeing the glamour of the stars on the red carpet while being interviewed and photographed, listening to a hilarious James Brown and being able to see numerous performers perform there hit song. The atmosphere was also something that you would not experience at home watching it on the TV, star-stuck fans screaming for there favorite idol, listening to 6 live mini concerts in one 2 hour show and not to mention the fact that you are in the same building as the stars.

There is obviously some pros to seeing it on TV, for example you get to actually see the artists faces instead of just silhouettes on the stage, you are in the comfort of your on home and do not have to spend 8 dollars on a beverage. However that being said, my personal opinion is that everything is better and more exciting being there live, the atmosphere, the fashion, the music and be able to go to the show with a group of awesome people!

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