Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Okay, let me start this off with the a variation on the caveat that Sideshow Bob used in an episode of Simpsons... I recognize that by doing what I'm about to do, I'm actually ALSO doing precisely what I'm going to rail against - the irony isn't lost on me.


Why does Paris Hilton (and there are others, she's just who I've chosen as a focal point) continue to not only get attention... but also get adulation for it? If someone can tell me one, single way that she has helped anyone (besides herself), then I would be happy to hear it. Because from what I see, she's never done anything of note - yet she releases albums (she can't sing), stars in movies (she can't act), and is PAID to attend parties (she can't dance). On top of all of this, she never says anything worth repeating... yet people (especially, and most troubling, teenage girls) continue to idolize her.

Truthfully, I don't fault her for taking advantage of the opportunities she's been so incredibly lucky to have been given... if I could, I would probably release an album, star in a movie and travel the world. My bigger issue is that with all of these experiences and with all of the money - she does absolutely nothing to make the world a better place. No, what bothers me more about this is the fact that there are people who, every day, have more positive impact on this world than she's brought about in her entire life - yet they never get the recognition they deserve. The only consolation is that these same people are the ones who do it not for the reward or accolades, but simply because it's the right thing to do.

To all of those people (and you know who you are) - thank you. And to Paris Hilton (and all others like her) - stop being useless and start doing something that benefits someone other than yourself.


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