Tuesday, March 31, 2009


If you have read my inventory, you know that my parents divorced after I graduated high school. My dad actually left my mum, sister and I for another woman. It took many years, but now my bond with him is so much stronger than it ever was in those days… Both my mum and dad really blossomed after they split up. When the smoke cleared, it was amazing to say the least.
My father started his new life and for him everything was peachy, he married into a great family and was supported from the onset of his new relationship…
My mother was left a little high and dry. My sister and I were forced to grow up a little faster than planned and my mother had to learn how to support herself (mentally, emotionally and financially)
My mother had a couple relationships since then, but nothing that really made her choose to fall in love. My sister and I were there for her, but as we were dealing with life and everything, we really had our own things going on.
Fast forward a bit.
Last summer, my mother went back east for a friend reunion. She had grown up in Montreal and spent summers at their summer home at the lake. Anyways, she went back last summer some 40years later to visit with some pals who she had kept in touch with. It was then that she saw him – an old boyfriend from her teens. She didn’t think too much about it, he was married with grown up kids and lived on the other side of Canada. Well a conversation was good enough at the time. My mum came back to Vancouver and life moved on. Of course with the world as small as it is, email chains and all that, my mum and this former sweetheart chatted a few times via email…
Now, earlier this year (2009) my mum asked me over to chat. This is big because we have an amazing relationship and talk all the time – what did she want to talk about?
I went over and she told me…Richard, I’m in love…
Whoa, I didn’t know what to say or how to react…she then told me that she had communicating with this fellow and one day he told her, ‘I can’t live without you’
She replied with the same feelings and so it began (The details are not important - but the message is)
My feelings are two fold. I’m so excited for my mum – but very sad because she is moving to Montreal this week!

Now, she is leaving and starting a new life. This is harder the older we are. We must trust ourselves and those around us. We must commit and jump in with 2feet…

The parallel is this - when we have someone walking into our facility for the first time they are nervous, anxious and excited at the same time. They want to trust but may be hesitant…they want to believe in themselves but again, are hesitant. We are in the business of building self esteem, challenging and supporting until victory. So do the right thing, follow the systems and get ready to change a life!

Good luck Mum, I love you the whole world full!

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