Tuesday, September 1, 2009

2weeks in the land down under..

On Aug 18th, 9pm we walked into VVR and left for Australia. An adventure in the making from the past year which stemmed from a world record ride in 2007.
We approached the check-in desk with excitement and handed over our passports. ‘What are in these boxes?’ the Air Canada rep asked us. ‘Bikes’, we replied, ‘We’re riding from Cairns to Melbourne in 8days to raise awareness for Juvenile Diabetes’Startled she asks, ‘With your push bikes!?
This would be the first of many questions asked to us the entire time we were on the road in Australia and we would soon find out way.
Some history..That world record ride was competed just 2yrs ago. A promise made from a dad to his daughter that he would heal her. A group of committed individuals came together and planned out a 5man reply ride across Canada. In their efforts, a Gunnies Book of World Records was established and with close to 1million dollars were raised for Juvenile Diabetes the event was an overall success.Just 1yr ago we were contacted to develop a major event for a group of friends and with a second Canada relay in planning stages, an Australian reply would be that extreme effect they were searching for.Training protocols were designed in Canada and ground operations and media were controlled by Australia. We later found out that Nelson works on big movies and can literally make time stand still on set – logistics were under way.With an unexpected drop in the world economy and a couple major natural disasters in Australia, the money was not coming in as expected and coincidently the group first interested were all dropping out. Literally the last one the day we got there.
Regardless, with planning, caring and focus the ride was going to happen and would be successful.
At times we seem to forget or not believe that WE CAN achieve what we aspire to. Yet, it's only a matter of setting out the plan (setting goals), having the confidence to do it (believing), and putting in the work to make it a reality (executing the plan) ~ Curtis Christopherson
On our flight to Sydney our 16hr trip was upgraded to business class which gave us a bed to sleep in versus a seat. Wow, that’s the way to roll. This was again, the first of many lucky moments during our 2weeks in the land down under.
Matt, Curtis and I took off on the 18th but arrived on the afternoon of the 20th. Jumping from Sydney to Cairns we arrived in a summer oasis even though it was their winter. A group of 3Australians picked us up. We knew it would be an interesting time when they showed up wearing all the riding gear driving the van. Nelson (ground operation), Micky P (sponsorship and media) and Cameron (rider and comic relief) Our first night was spent getting to know each other and let’s just say that we enjoyed Cairns hospitality..the next morning was slower than normal, but the day was spent preparing the vehicles, bikes and last minute details. By this time we were getting to know the rest of the team. Steve arrived (the 5th rider) and Andrew (filmer). The whole team was amazing and their general attitudes from the beginning were so solid… generous and caring hearts mixed with an Australian personality is a winning mix.
Our daily rides were commonly started off with an hour group ride followed by 2hr solo shifts until dark including a group ride into town. Our plans included hotels in the beginning because of permit issues with riding at night, but we soon figured out that riding at dusk until dawn is actually very dangerous. The roads are full of wildlife and trucks driving in teams to save gas (ironically bikers ride in teams to save energy)
Day1 was a ride to Townsville which was full of riding through sugar cane fields and farm land. With hills in the distance one really gets the feeling of open space. The temperature is gorgeous and the rest of the scenery is breath taking. We stayed in a very cool hotel in Townsville and had a great meal down the street from our restaurant. Funny thing while we were getting ready for dinner, we were taking turns in an ice bath (this causes fresh warm blood to get in there to warm you up later and clears the lactic acid out of the muscles – a huge deal when needing to recover from physical activity) anyway, mid ice bath the fire alarm went off and we all piled outside wearing shorts and towels. Meeting what seemed to be 100ppl behind a restaurant dressed that way was pretty funny…
Day2 was a hot ride to Mackay. The card games in the back of the RV, the hilarity of our cultures coming together while riding the east coast of Australia was proving to be noticeably the best road trip ever. The time together was spontaneous, fun and interesting. We were learning about each other and Matt, Curt and I were getting passed major information from our new friends about their land and we were all witnessing the visuals right in front of us…
Day3 was spent riding towards Rockhampton. The morning was misty and crisp. This quickly was replaced with some of the hottest temperatures ever recorded in the surrounding areas…we ate sugar cane standing in a field, we saw many wild animals and birds and experienced new foods like; pies, monkey burgers and ice poles...my stomach was sore from laughing all the time!
Day4 we raced to Brisbane. This was a long day with hard riding, a stop by police and lots of photography. Everything was a treasure waiting to be seen. This day, the team was comfortable with each other spirits were total high as even the support crew (everyone) took turns riding. All the guys gave it a try and rode with us on occasion. They all looked great out there!
Day5 was a big media morning in Brisbane followed by a tricky departure of the city. The morning was difficult, but we were rewarded with some of the most amazing riding ever. What if you could ride your bike at Surfers paradise and then end up taking a quick dip at Byron bay…unbelievable.We slept in the RV just outside of Port Macquarie with our focus of getting to Sydney the following day.
Day6 was a long push into Sydney. The riding was hilly and big. The heat was pounding down on everyone. We were working very hard. The recovery time is important and we seemed to balance everything well. The moral was consistent and the energy stayed positive. We arrived a sunset into Sydney and just made it to ride across the harbour bridge into the sunset with the opera house to our side. The visuals were absolutely amazing and with a quick fix of Curt’s bike on route keep the team rolling together.It was a little colder in Sydney was we were getting lower down the coast, the city seemed like home and we really enjoyed the pizza and beer we found down by the water…
Day7 started off with a media event at the opera house and an amazing ride out of Australia’s largest city. We rode through forests and along beaches…cliffs and coves…towns and estates, this ride was the greatest of all time. We rode along the sky sea bridge which hangs out over the cliffs as it curves right off the side of the mountains. Many car commercials have been filmed there because of the raw beauty and architecture.To help us appreciate the positives there must always be a little adversity along the way. That night we hit and killed a very large kangaroo. This only enforced the decision to not ride at night and to finding the solution of doing 200km pickups from time to time to stay on track. Safety first was proving to be the best option.
A very late night by all and an early start for Day8 into Melbourne. We camped along the way near Twin Rivers. There was plenty of riding to do before arriving at our finishing point. We had come so far and the entire time felt like so much longer. The long road traveled with providing us with a challenge through adversity into victory. The team dug deep to get us to our final destination…Melbourne
We arrived to a staging point where we repaired our second flat, ate some baked goods and met up with a rider for the last 30min cruise. The entire ride at times felt like home and our last moments felt like we were on Point Grey road (bigger and better maintained mind you!) the team exchanged smiles and pats on the backs. We came around the corner and were met by a party at a swim club. The last of its kind in Melbourne where there are bars in the water enclosing a shark free zone built in the early 1900s. High fives and a jump off the pier completed the ride.
We did it! The final celebration began and believe me, the last 30hrs in Australia was jammed full of fun and good times…the travel home on the 31st coincidentally was about that long as well…
The teams wished each other well, friendships have been created and memories were established.
Thank you to all who made this trip possible for us. Your kind words support and positive energy was appreciated.
We completed what we set out to do. Raise awareness for Juvenile Diabetes and ride across a country with friends…what’s next?

Be sure to experience everything posted on our Innovative Fitness group page on www.facebook.com 2007 world record ride www.teamh2v.com2009 Cairns to Melbourne in 8days www.cyclebetes.com.au

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