Monday, September 28, 2009

Who's Ready and Why?

Innovative Team – After having the privilege of writing for How to Succeed at Life blog for a year and half, I would like to take the opportunity and pay it forward to anyone that is interested in writing about their thoughts, feelings, and/or current events. This blog site is for the Innovative Fitness Leadership Forum to be able to share and document thoughts, ideas and concepts in an open forum. This is an opportunity for you to share lessons that you have learned over the years and how this has affected you to where you are today through life and Innovative Fitness. This is a chance to educate the team, update customers and pay it forward to friends and family.

It is an amazing opportunity and personally, I have learned a great deal by putting my thoughts down on paper. My awareness of current events, my recognition of why certain things happen in our daily lives and how I connected them to my career, and lastly a chance for me to say what I really feeling deep down inside. You can write on anything that you feel is important to share and will help us here at Innovative Fitness.

It is a chance for all of us to grow, learn and succeed. The blog itself can be your thoughts on a current event that affects us in the work place, a situation, an adversity, a victory, or a challenge that you feel is relevant for you to share.

I am passing the sword and would like to pay it forward to who ever would like to take this on. This is an award to write for 'How to Succeed and Life' and an opportunity to grow and help others do the same.

So who is ready to step up? Who is ready to educate us?

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