Tuesday, September 8, 2009

true rules

With September charging along, our final quarter is approaching. Our fourth quarter sets ourselves and our year up for success. This planning of our success carries over to next year and so on and so on…

What is success? I would like to share with you a set of rules that measure success. This is actually a contract created by some innovative parents for one of their young boys. But after reading through, it is amazing how simple yet effective the concept is.

What if we all (us, friends, families, customers) followed this contract to a tee?

Pillars of Success.

1. Manners.
· I look people in the eyes when they are talking to me
· I say please and I say thank you when asking for & receiving things
· I say pardon when I have not heard what someone has said
· I address adults as Mr. or Mrs. _____ (even if they say “call me xx”)
· I go to the door and greet people with Hello when they arrive and Goodbye when they leave.
2. Integrity.
· I act the same as I would act if mom or dad was around, when they are not.
· I treat people with the respect and dignity with which I’d like to be treated
· I do what I say I’m going to do when I say I’m going to do it.
· I tell the truth, no matter how bad I think it is
· I accept responsibility for both good and bad things that may happen as a result of my behavior.
3. Focus.
· I focus on the task in front of me at 100% and not something else.
· When I’m playing sports, it’s on that sport
· When I’m in school, it’s on the teacher & task
· When I’m at play, it’s on having a good time.
· I do not interrupt or disrupt other people’s focus.
4. Effort.
· I give 100% of what I’m capable of every day, every play (in work and play)
· I do not give up. I keep trying until I find the solution or answer.
· I do not take short cuts. There are no short cuts in real life
· Where there’s a problem – I focus on the best & quickest solution possible.
· I realize losing & failure are a part of real life and sometimes, despite my best effort I will have to deal with losing and failure. I will do this with class.
5. Confidence.
· I believe that I am a good, hard working, smart, able boy.
· I believe that I can accomplish anything I put my mind to doing.
· I don’t accept put downs or negative criticisms from others
· I Can I will I Am.

With a couple modifications here and there, this template needs to be followed by as many people as possible. Print this off and look at what you can do during the next week.

Can you follow this contract?

thanks matt

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