Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Learning Curve

First day back at school for a lot of kids today - so in honor of this occasion, I dedicate this blog to the idea of continued education...

Last year, I went to renew my certification and chose to do it through a different governing body than I had previously done - it meant going back in and re-learning a lot of basic principles that I figured I already thought I knew (and although I knew them - I quickly realized that I didn't know them as well as I had assumed...!). This year, I'm going to be adding on a couple of more certifications - one is a variation on the first, but the other is in a system, or line of thinking anyway, which is far more developed than anything I've been using so far.

It's humbling. And the whole process has made me realize two things - firstly, that for everything I know, there's a hundred variables that I don't... but more importantly, that I love continuing to learn.

They say "ignorance is bliss" - and I suppose, on some level, it is. Before I knew how much I didn't know, I was ignorant to how much more I need to learn - and I think it's an exponential paradox. The more I learn, the more I need to continue learning...

And I'm loving every minute of it.


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