Monday, July 7, 2008

The Bucket List

I watch the movie the bucket list last weekend and 4 things inspired me to write mine.

1.     Seeing Curtis checking some things off his list in 2007

2.    My best friend’s mom who died at 58 without driving more than 2 hour out of town, not flying…

3.   The movie The Bucket List

4.    The feeling of joining someone like Matt cross one thing off his list.


if you don’t have one already I hope you will create one and make them happen for you.

A lot of people are unsure as to what to include in a bucket list, so they decide to put it off until they're crystal clear on exactly what they want.

Don't allow performance anxiety to stop you from creating your bucket list. Start by creating a  rough draft; you can always add, delete, or modify as you go along.


You're going to create your list by having an individual brainstorming session. Set your kitchen timer to go off in forty-five minutes and find a place where you won't be interrupted. Play Baroque music in the background, if you have it. Baroque music, such as "The Four Seasons" by Antonio Vivaldi and PacBell’s "Cannon" have been shown to slow brainwaves down to the Alpha range, the brain frequency which has been linked to increased creativity.


Do not criticize or evaluate what you write down during the brainstorming process: you're trying to open yourself up to possibilities. Write down whatever comes into your head, it doesn't matter how wildly impractical the idea seems. Basically, you're going to have to quiet your internal critic, that little voice in your head that might be saying: "You can't do that"; "That's silly"; "I can't afford that." Push the limits on what you currently think is possible for you and think outside the boundaries of your current life.


It's never too early or too late to create a bucket list. So, whether you're 10 or 98, get started! It will feel really good when you get to cross one of them off and even better when your friends help you make it happen because you shared the list with them.

"Will you succeed? Yes, you will indeed (98 3/4% guaranteed)." - Dr. Seuss

Have fun making your list!


Justine Boulin said...

Isabelle - I loved this movie! and as you, also created a 'bucket list' after. The concept pretty much the same as the BID list, but I like calling it the 'bucket list' much better! When I first created a BID list a year ago there were things I wouldn't put on there because wasn't sure if I would accomplish them - in other words fear - my more recent one (after watching the movie) was anything and everything. I have an entire lifetime to achieve these goals, and as long as constanlty working towards ticking items off, will get them all. Thanks Isabelle for sharing.

Guy Demong said...

It's funny - this is one of the things I did long before I started at Innovative Fitness. I may have to go back and re-read it, because I'm sure there are a ton of things I would add with my new perspective on life!