Friday, July 4, 2008

Trusting One Self

I have had some extra time to catch up on some reading while on vacation. I decided to read the book ’Trust Me’ written my Matt Young ad Scott Boyle. While reading the book many things jumped out at me. Some of the material was new sparking new ideas getting me to think in different ways-this is great. But what stood out more to me during this read was the reinforcement of 1 thing that we hear on a daily basis that serves to create the foundation for future growth. The Personal Inventory. Yes, most of us have written ours and think we know the whole process as that is the position I found myself in. What I learned from reading this book was another reason behind the process of writing ones self story-to be able to better trust yourself.

Internal Trust
This is the trust we have within ourselves to be confident in the choices we make that dictate our future success. The degree in which many of us trust our own self is not always high. On June 20th I wrote about ’Values Clarification’ and after reading ’Trust Me’ I realized that internal trust is one of the most crucial first steps next to knowing what our personal values are before achieving your life mission.

Don’t Be Afraid to Flow
Easier said then done I know. But just do it. Take the time to write the inventory of yourself if you want to get ahead. Why am I emphasizing this first before taking on a greater role at work or in life? Because by writing we gain the better understanding of ourselves which in turn leads to a greater level of internal trust which is so important.

Why So Important?
Writing will determine how confident we are in ourselves in making the decisions in life that lead us to becomming more commited in what we do. Why commitment? Without this your are neiter in nor out, simply sitting on a fence wasting time. Get off the fence if you want to be successful. This goes for both personal or professional areas in our lives. Your inventory is your window to create trust willingness in yourself first by exposing your fears and making you vulnerable. Sharing it with others now creates that trust willingness in them.

A Simple Equation
Personal Inventory = Vulnerability = Trust Willingness = Internal Trust = Self Confidence = Commitment = Success. Combine this with understanding of your values and you will be unstopable in this life.

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