Friday, July 11, 2008

Get Rich Schemes

At one time or another most of us will have entertained the thought of being financially rich; having a lot of money – millions perhaps. Less of us will take that same thought and transfer it into the next step by saying I will do it. An even lesser number of people will then think how they will do it and take action. I have been there and have considered the options of how to make a lot of money. So how does one make this amount of money? Here are some options (all which I have tried or have considered) along with the findings:

1)Steal it: Been there done that. It can be easy and if it sits well on your conscience by all means go for it. BUT consider this before you exercise this option to make your money – the world works in interesting ways and what goes around surely comes around. When I was young I stole a ring that belonged to someone. I was never proud of it but nevertheless I did it to make quick money. About 2 years later a ring given to me by my grandfather was stolen from me. I hated the feeling of losing this sentimental possession of mine but reality was that it was payback time. Lastly, if you want to steal know that at one point you will get caught. Been there and getting caught sucks because it sets you back even further with respect to time, energy and money. Theft is not the best way to make money in life. It is unreliable, dishonest and in the end causes much stress.

2)Marry it: About 5 years ago I thought how great it would be to simply marry someone with a lot of money and then not have to worry. I spent time trying to meet women with money when it hit me that this is one of the worst ideas I could come up with. It was a waste of time and a waiting game. I didn’t feel in control nor would I want to count on someone to give me money. If it so happens that you fall in love with a millionaire so be it and great work. There is meaning behind the Beatles song goes, ‘Money can’t Buy me Love’. Money is something you should never marry someone for because in the end the chances of being unhappy are too high. I have seen it and having all the money at your fingertips means nothing if you are unhappy.

3)Inherit it: My family are not oil tycoons or anyone close to being worth millions so this option is completely out of the question. Only a small percentage of people in this world are born into families worth a fortune. You either are born that way or you are not – Simple. If you are not, it is not something you can make happen so this option is also out of the questions for myself and most people who want to make money.

4)Win it: Here is another unlikely way of making your fortune. The chances of winning the Lotto Super 7 by matching all 7 numbers is 1 in 62 million. When you gamble you can hope to win, but the odds always favor the house. In essence you are paying to play the games. In most circumstances, and for most people, the more you play, the more you will lose. Chances that we will win it are so low and this way really is not one any of us should count on

5)Earn it: Because the above 4 ways are all unlikely or will lead to more pain than good we now have the last option – the choice to earn our fortune. It can be done and has been done. But in most cases it does not come easy and we have to work for it. It is my opinion that there are 3 ways to earn a lot of money:
a)Become a professional. Doctors, lawyers, accountants all make a great earning. To be such a professional it all takes time by spending years in school and investing money into the education. In the end it can be a guaranteed way to make money but is not easy. It is your choice.
b)Become a top level executive. Climb the corporate ladder. There are plenty of people who have started small within a company with minimal schooling and money to put their minds into their work and earn their way to the top of the company. These individuals are all highly paid and financial success stories.
c)Start your own business. If you do not want to do all the schooling to be a professional or work for a corporation then your best bet it to start your own business. This like the other 2 ways to earn your fortune is not easy. It takes hard work, dedication and patience. With that being said, many business fail yet your chances to financial success are greater then trying to win it.

As you can see working hard to earn your money is the one way that will pay off without having to live a dishonest life or gamble for your future income. Hard work is not easy, but if you choose an avenue you enjoy then hard work is natural and the process will not be as difficult. In most cases, hard work also does not pay immediately. This is a reality we must face and as the saying goes ‘sow before you reap’. So if you want to make money, get ready to work for it. There is no easy road because no one is going to hand you a silver spoon.


Justine Boulin said...
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Justine Boulin said...

thanks Josh - I've always liked these anologies and the only guarentee to make anything in life successful, not just money, is work for it - relationships, career, kids, happiness, etc.
Although I have a slight disagreement with #4 and playing the lottery - There have been statistical studies done at Harvard University and the odds of winning increase substantialy if you believe and visualize the numbers you picked being drawn.. kind of like the secret..

So.. when I win 23 million I'll be sure to distribute my money accordingly... in other words none for you because you don't believe