Monday, July 14, 2008


This weekend I was lucky enough to be doing the STP with an amazing group of people. Just wanted to share another example of when you take the time to prepare, organize and do it as a team all the wonderful things that can happen.



People planned to do this race 1 year ago. They didn’t know how hard it would be. They were scared but trusted us. We took the time to put programs in place to make sure they were well prepared. We made training days at IF/eating suggestions/riding times…  they followed it because we were on them every week by riding with them following up with them…  They had the chance to prepare as a group. Get to know each other and prepare together for this 204 miles day. The bond that happen during these training days set them up for success.



We had people organizing hotels/a-z for the event/car rides to get there and back/sunglasses/bags... This way people knew what to expect and all questions are answered.


is  the biggest thing I saw this weekend but again,  only because it was so well prepared and organized we were able to have the team stick together.  The team was not only racers but customers that couldn’t race and wanted to come and be a part of it so said yes to being support for this amazing group of riders. (another way of getting customers involved) These IF customers trained each week together and there were no way any of them would leave one behind. If you look at some of the following response from the weekend you will see for yourself how strong of a group people become and what happens when you have preparation/organization and a team in place.


Thanks guys for a wonderful time!

I really appreciate it especially since this was my best friends 40th birthday present - it was truly a memorable adventure that I will remember for the rest of my life.  The best part is that Bruce and I will be telling stories about it for many  years.  Isabelle, thanks for driving to Seattle by yourself and waiting at the border for 90 minutes so that you could support us - I really appreciate it!  Jason, thanks for letting me win the contest up the hill - that really boosted my confidence.  Curtis, thanks to you and your team for organizing a great event.  Bruce and I were talking about all the work and planning that was done behind the scenes to make it happen and we appreciate it.  Although I still don't like biking as much as I like running, I now realize that the most important thing is the people who I am doing the event with - and the ride was one of the best times ever!

Thanks again.

Neil Y.


Hey guys,

Thanks again Curtis- it was a great experience and I appreciate you letting me tag on to IF via Neil. You are right- I did enjoy it, awesome birthday present from Neil ( you sick bastard-just wait till your 40th)

Again IF team , I know you put a ton of time & prep work into putting the function together and it went off without a hitch.  Your club seems really involved and I  am sure your clients love these types of events- well done and congrats.

As fun as that was, I am currently having a staring contest with an ice cold Czechvar beer accompanied by a stein glass straight from the freezer and about to kick back on the deck.  It was between that and an Accelerade & Cliff Bar. - gotta go

Bruce D


Some of my highlights:

Paul H organizing us into a pace line - I think we looked pretty impressive

Steve and Vic organizing "group bonding sessions" - I just didn't understand the timing of the one so close to the finish line :)

Paul M's unfailing sense of humour before, during?, and after his crash.  And his well stocked support vehicle.

My Paul - discovering that popcorn, as odd as it seemed, really did help for the rest of the ride and, the fact that you can teach "old" dogs new tricks - eg road riding, great finish

Watching Neil and Bruce (and the fastest tire repair at the 203 mile mark ever I'm sure) look so fresh, even after they had already done a HUGE ride the day before.

Watching Ryan climb hills so strong after what seemed like hundreds of miles (wait, I think it was), and obeying ALL the riding rules of the road biking back to the hotel

Strong, even, consistent pulls with Curtis in front - and having it confirmed that boys never tire of talking about bodily functions no matter how old they are!!!

Watching Jason finish so well, fall and not mess up his look,  and the fact that he probably quadrupled the mileage on his bike all in one go.

Watching Kim and Isabelle come in - still smiling as usual

That great tailwind that made that long uphill feel like a downhill

Watermelon, sandwiches, that first cold beer!!!

These are just some of the highlights from Saturday - there are so many from the training rides (Vic's "air guitar",  Steve always pulling so long - even with all the wind that always seemed to be coming at us,  Ryan's bike breaking down and Isabelle, Vic and Steve taking turns pushing most of the way home etc, etc etc.), too

I had a great time - thanks everyone

Barb S.


Thanks to everyone for making that such an unreal day.

My highlights...

The worlds best creamsicle at lunch...need I say more!?

The banana the top of the hill...

Even the bug I swallowed coming down the hill was great

Other highlights...non food related,

Chasing Steve Christian down while he was high on Metallica riding the fastest I have ever seen him go.

Riding beside lake washington in the morning...thinking...this is easy...what was all that training about...and then hitting that first hill and getting a quick shot of reality!

Finally, Finishing as a group...

Thanks to everyone for making STP such a great day.

Ryan F.



Kim doing it in one day was awesome.... 

And this email this morning.....

 Hey Paul, 

I just wanted to say thanks! You obviously didn't have the best of days on the bike. I was really disappointed for you. But, things happen that are unavoidable and I thought you handled the rest of the day awesome. It was great the way you just transitioned into support and took control of that you made the rest of our day so much easier. So I just wanted to say thanks for that!  email from Ryan.

Paul M.


Hey Guys,

Well my first "Innovative Event" was amazing. I was nervous leading up to the event not really knowing what to expect as far as distance/fuel/heat etc. Once we got going the day turned out to be amazing. I thought that the day was well organized and as a team we held together really well and worked together really well.

I just wanted to say thanks for the chance and oportunity to come along with Innovative Fitness to be part of such a fantastic group, and to have such an amazing day.

Ryan F



Seeing Barb pulling 9 strong and 1 old man!

Ryan asking why we did all the training as we rode by Lake Washington!

The support vehicles full of fruit and cold refreshments.

Starting as a team and finishing as a team.

Paul H trying to take pictures as he rode (I want to see the one of his ear)!

Paul M’s determination to stick with his broken bike as long as he could.

Everyone pulling me along for 200 miles without a complaint.


The second cold beer at the finish line, as I didn’t taste the first one.

Seeing Kim and Isabelle finish. 

Congratulations and thank you all.

Paul S.


My top 3:

1- seeing how strong everyone looked and how much fun we had together for the entire day

2-uphills feeling like downhills

3 -The best ham and cheese wrap ever at st helen's

Paul H.


I don't know about you but just by reading these emails it makes me pretty pumped up about getting the next group of people ready to go for another amazing IF destination!

1 comment:

Guy Demong said...

Isabelle - a big thanks to you for showing all of us the right way to lead... great work!