Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Recognizing the potential…

We must all recognize the potential of a possible ‘burn out’. We do a lot during our days and though we are taught to plan 'balance' into our week - we must not go too fast and fail to listen to our bodies. If we take the time, it will tell us exactly what it needs.

Simple - our body's need; water, food (fuel), rest (recovery) and most need training (cardiovascular, resistance and flexibility focus). Now, if we are overdoing it in any of these areas, there is the potential of the body shutting down (getting sick) or getting injured. The body requires a steady dose of each of the needs to run efficiently. Not to forget that the mind has it’s own needs and requirements…hell, the brain needs carbs!

It is as important to recognize our own potential for burn out, as it is to recognize that same potential in a fellow teammate. As lucky as we are to have a team like we have – we need to rely on each other to look out for one another. The quick comment, hey – don’t forget about the different uniforms tomorrow or hey, did you study for that quiz? These were the points that stuck out to me… We consistently aid our teammates and need to look out for their best interest at all times including – hey, you are doing too much right now, why not take a couple steps back and recover before it’s too late and you are forced to recover.

Earlier this month, I was personally experiencing the potential of a possible burn out. I was tired (but not able to get a good sleep), I was irritable (but unable to recognize the feelings I may have been hurting) and I was slowing getting injured (odd tweaks and pains in some of my tight muscles) My manager/team-mate/friend recognized this and suggested some time any from events and literally got me back on track. I made the steps to heal and turned it down a notch (including 10hrs of sleep every night for a slice) and I was able to turn the corner and avoid any potential issues of forced time off or worse.

So, Kris – thanks for the callout and recognizing my potential of a possible burnout, I own you one buddy!


Kris Schjelderup said...

No problem buddy. You listened to the advice and are back in the game which is great to see.

Paul Chung said...

What's important to keep in mind as well, which has been stated before is that we have to remember that achieving balance daily and weekly can be difficult at times. This is why it's important that we all have long term goals that we're prioritizing and working towards rather than trying to get everything done at once and calling that balance.

Glad to hear you're back on track Rich.