Friday, July 25, 2008

Rituals Become Habitual

Developing positive habits in life can be challenging. It all begins with an idea. If we can turn these ideas into action that through time become automatically executed we make life simpler and more enjoyable. For most people it takes about 31 days to make something become habitual. We all have busy lives so taking on new things that we want to do more often and get better at can seem daunting. Yet if we can discipline ourselves to commit in doing something with no significant time off and for a period of 31days chances are we will develop a new (positive) habit.

I rode home an evening after work with Paul 4 years ago. I told him how I wanted to start doing more things but could not find the time. His answer to me was that I have to not only be disciplined but to ritualize my actions to develop them into something that happens more naturally. If it was to read more I was to set aside certain time in the week where, no matter what I would read. Everything else would have to be planned around this reading time. By planning around the designated day and time I would make reading a ritual and if followed through on a week after week for 31 days I would with no doubt make it a habit.

Most of us without really realizing it already ritualize their actions and hence have made actions habitual. Every week we know that we are working certain hours. I work 10am-830am guaranteed 5days a week. I therefore plan everything else around this so that it gets done. Now, after 4years I don’t think twice about it. When I was in the Product Manager role, every Monday morning I would review tangibles. Everything else that morning was based around that time. Every Sunday I will spend the late morning hours doing something creative at home. Everything else on that Sunday is worked around this time. Two mornings a week I get up early to workout. The list of rituals that have become habitual goes on and by now you understand how by ritualizing something it can become a habit. Our challenge is to discipline ourselves to keep the ritual long enough so that it becomes automatic. 31days. Give it a try.

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