Tuesday, July 1, 2008


We are so lucky to have a team like ours

The other day I was sitting with a good friend and over dinner, we chatted about team harmony and direction. It was amazing the parallels our company’s had and vast differences at the same time. Here he was talking about getting to know his people and trying to figure out how to motivate them. He was using example of personal test they had completed and graphs and charts they had come up with. He was explaining about how an outside company had come in to review everyone and was able to place each person on a map to determine what kind of person they were. Different quadrants meaning different things…sound familiar?

He was explaining how there must be a sole driver with vision and great leadership qualities to man the ship and keep its stay. Hummm, interesting…

He is always impressed with my comments on team unity and common perspectives. He always wants to hear about how our team empowers and also holds each other accountable. To be honest, he wants his company to be more like ours.

My question this week – how you thanked your team lately? Think about how much they do for you each day. When they call you out or give you a high five for completing a destination OR are there for you when you have a question…

Literally – I am racing through dirt trails and sweating up a storm…but I tell you, I am thinking about you all from time to time and I want you each to know, thank you for being you!


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