Friday, July 18, 2008

Get off the Fence

How many people do you know who are committed to what they do - commitment to anything from career, family, relationship, health etc? It is a clear that those who are committed are those who end up succeeding in their chosen paths. Rarely if ever will you see someone’s lack of commitment lead them to greatness.

Commitment is a virtue that will make life easier for you and provide you with a greater sense of direction ultimately leading to higher levels of achievement. Furthermore, on a relationship level you allow others to know you and be better able to help you. Think about the relationship with a significant other or friend. If you are unsure, unable to fully commit chances are the relationships will go nowhere and you are just wasting your time and the other person’s time.

In the workplace, lack of commitment increases the risk stagnancy and any forward progress will be slow if any. In life you will see those who are 100% dialed in and excelling at what they do and then there are those who are not committed and end up spending their time fence sitting. The latter has not chosen any side, is neither in nor out and can be seen as being in a state of limbo – not going anywhere. Nobody wants to be in this position. So how do we get better at committing to what is important in our lives? For someone who is unsure of themselves and their choices, self introspect can provide clarity – by doing exercises like writing your personal inventory and going through lessons in values clarification we gain insight into ourselves that will lead to us to make choices and that we commit to.

Being in an idle position in life can be viewed as the easy way but on the same note, remaining there gets you nowhere and in the end you will be unhappy. Commitment can be difficult but the moment we choose to be all in, we gain a greater sense of understanding, we begin to inspire others, and life becomes more rewarding. The choice is simple, make a positive move and be all in or all out. Don’t allow indecision or apathy keep you idle so pick a side and just get off the fence. Be 100%in or 100% out.

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