Thursday, November 13, 2008

Appreciate the simple things of life

Quite frankly it often takes a tragedy to wake us up and make us re-evaluate our lives. Growing up I can remember always focusing on what I did not have or cannot change at that time, instead of being grateful or happy at what I had.
- I wanted to be bigger.
- I always wished my family had more money.
- In grade 12 I wanted a nicer car.
- Growing up I thought I was always skinny. Then after working out for 10 years I thought I was too stocky.

Writing my personal inventory last year gave me a chance to re-evaluate my life. Realizing that I came close to death 3 times over the course of my 26 years, I began to appreciate the simpler things in life since I had all the essentials to live a great life. Instead of always focusing on the things I cannot change or did not want, I started to regain my thoughts towards the simple things that I did have. I started to think of the people who did care about me, instead of the people who did not. There are some things you cannot change and some things which are obtainable but not through instant gratification. I started to reflect at a deeper level on the things which I am grateful for. A loving family, food on the table each night, a healthy body and mind, supportive friends, a born hard worker, above average intelligence and a career I enjoy. Appreciate each day and the challenges you overcome in life. Appreciate waking up in the morning and being able to eat. Appreciate the simple things in life.

What are you appreciative about today? Think...

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