Friday, November 28, 2008


Reese Witherspoon, who has never revealed the reasons for her divorce, did reveal that she vowed never to ‘lay blame’ on Ryan Phillippe for their relationship breakdown.

She added to Parade magazine: ‘There are things in my life that are hard to reconcile, like divorce. Sometimes it is very difficult to make sense of how it could possibly happen. Laying blame is so easy.’

‘When you make wrong choices, you have to take responsibility for them, ‘What part of this do I own?’ I struggle to figure out what made me make those choices. All I can hope for is that I’ve learned something from it and won’t make the same choices again.’

Blame is giving your free will and responsibility away to someone or something else. The truth is that we are responsible for our thoughts, feelings, and actions and there is no room for blaming in that equation. If you want to move forward with your life you need to accept responsibility for your life and take all situations into your hands. Who better to solve your life’s travail than you?

Blame is the desire to avoid whatever experience you are going through. If you had peace and equanimity about it, you would simply let it be, and move on, but when there is a desire to avoid the experience, then you must find a reason for it so as to control future experiences to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Any time there is blame; there is always a lack of surrender to an experience. It puts the resolution of your emotional pain into the hands of someone else rather than yourself. Ultimately, you cannot insist that someone else take responsibility for your feelings or actions, only you can make that choice when you are ready.

Choice denotes the act, power or right of selecting alternatives. As good as it feels, initially, to blame others for your disagreements, there’s actually very little you can do to change other people’s behavior. You can, however, concentrate on what you can do to alter the situation, or at least the ways you respond in the future.

Know how to take responsibility for your own choices. Refuse to blame others for your decisions or for your need to make a choice. You and you alone have the privilege of final responsibility for your choices. Take responsibility for the problem. Make the right kind of choices, the kind that will enhance your life rather than diminish it. When you blame others, you give up power to change.

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