Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Creatures of Habit

I remember walking through the Quad, on my way to meet a friend for lunch... and I was kind of lost in thought. I looked down at my watch, and realized that I was running late...

The crowd was going nowhere, fast, and I was getting very frustrated because nobody seemed to be in any particular sort of rush - which was just holding me up more and more. Just as I was on the verge of losing my mind, I looked over everyone's heads... and noticed that the reason for the crowd was that each and every one of us was funneling into a single door - a complete bottleneck.

Now, this is not the "a ha" moment... no, that came a couple of seconds later when I further realized that there was an entire wall of doors leading into the Student Union Building, but being the automatons that we were, no one was using any of these other doors - we were ALL waiting to go through that single door.

I mounted my own rebellion - I broke off from the crowd, and opened another door... which was when I said "a ha". As I walked through this door, I looked back over my shoulder and saw that a second stream of people had been created, going through both the original door AND the one that I had opened.

A living and breathing metaphor.

In this age of fear, greed and blind following all I ask is that everyone reading this take just a moment and look to see if there's another door to go through... because I guarantee you'll bring others with you.


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