Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Nutrition advice [general]

‘Try to consume the least amount of unhealthy foods on a daily basis'.

If a food you are about to eat does not bring you tangible nutritional value, do not let it interfere with your healthy lifestyle.

“But it’s so hard to eat healthy” – no, it’s not –

Sourcing & prepping healthy foods is as easy as sourcing and prepping unhealthy foods. Your respiratory [lungs] and circulatory [heart] are your body’s engine & protein / carbohydrates and a little fat are your gasoline. Would you fill your car tank with sugar? How well would it run without oil? How far does your car get running on empty? When does your car perform its best? Exactly, so start treating and eating yourself respectfully.

Breakfast is the king and queen of the day! Cannot tell you how many times overweight people confess to not eating breakfast. It is single-handily the most important meal because it provides your fuel for the day. When you don’t eat and then try to work – you’re body goes into safe mode where it stores fat and eats muscle mass to survive. Fuel it up at the beginning of the day when you need the energy and not at the end of the day when you are famished, which may cause you to overeat and then all the calories you just consumed can’t be used, so they are stored – again as fat.

You must eat breakfast and to make it simple – here are some breakfast options to choose from.
1. 2 egg’s, toast with pb, glass of juice & fruits
2. 1 serving of cottage cheese, 1 bowl of dry cereal (no sugary stuff), juice
3. 1 bowl of oatmeal, 2 pieces of toast, 1-2 pieces of fruits.
4. 1 large Smoothy shake [berries, juice, ice and a protein supplement]
5. Yogurt, fruit, 1 bagel with cream cheese, juice or water (this is the only light version)

Your 2nd biggest meal is lunch. Again - providing energy & fuel for when it’s needed most. For all those who just “don’t have time for lunch” buy a Tupperware container, and pack the dinner leftovers for next day’s lunch, or think about 1 of the following options.

1. Soup, sandwich and water – easy to get at any deli for a working person.

2. Salad, salad, salad – with the protein on top (eg: chicken breast)
3. Fish & pasta – again if you are eating out
4. *think about what you would eat for dinner – and eat it for lunch.

Ones smallest meal is dinner and it includes 1 portion of protein (no larger than the palm of your hand), 1 serving of grain & starch and 1 serving of vegetables. Put the following options into your weekly rotation.
1. Fish, rice, vegetable * 2 days
2. Pasta – with fish / beef / chicken element if needed, salad or vegetables included or on the side
3. Steak / red meat, potatoe, and salad
4. Chicken, rice / pasta (side) with vegetables
5. Salad / stirfry – all ingredients in it already – quick & easy.
6. *this rotation includes the weekend
7. off the dinner menu is any fast food outlet, deep fried anything, pizza (unless homemade & thin crust), deserts, etc.
8. for every glass of alcohol you consume – 2 glasses of water please and on that note, at least 6-8 glasses of water every day. With the coffee I’m only imagining we consume (have to get the energy from somewhere if we aren’t properly ingesting it), I could only imagine how dehydrated we are.

Don’t forget about the mid morning and afternoon healthy snacks. We can’t let our fuel get too low – but we mustn’t over fuel and just burn up. We must stoke and load thin layers of fuel between meals to promote an increased metabolism and meet our proper energy needs throughout the day.

Preplan your snacks for success:

1. Fresh fruit

2. Dried fruit (watch the high sugar concentration)

3. Nuts and seeds

4. Power shakes

5. Celery topped with Almond butter

6. Raw vegetables

7. Small salads

Eating habit musts
Get rid of the following from your house [immediately] and do not bring it back into the mix
1. Ice cream
2. Cookies
3. Pastries
4. Any sweet toppings you may pour on things to make them “taste better”
5. Pop
6. Chips
7. Craft dinner
8. Sugar cereals
9. Frozen chips / pizza’s etc
10. And anything else that has zero nutritional value!
In its place we will insert
1. Carrots
2. Celery
3. Apples
4. Oranges
5. Water
6. Rice cakes
7. Popcorn
8. Oat bars
9. Oatmeal
10. Cottage cheese

It can be just that simple...

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