Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Gambler

"You've got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away - and know when to run."

Ahhh, Kenny Rogers. Such a simple metaphor, and yet one that, as leaders, we should pay attention to.

Simplified, what the line says is that we have to know when we should stay in the game, when we need to step aside - and when we need to leave knowing that we've done what we can. As leaders, learning to recognize the trailmarkers for these points is of utmost importance.

With a customer, we can get them to register for an event, we can give them a thorough training program, we can offer them clubs and clinics... but if they are not doing any of these things, then we have to ask ourselves if there's anything else we can do? Do we have one last "bet", or effort - or is it time to "fold"? This doesn't mean we've left entirely - but we're out until the next round.

It's similar with people we've chosen to lead - we need to know when to keep working with them, to keep pushing them, but we also need to know when it's time to stop focusing our energies on something that doesn't offer a return. And, in the long run... we need to know when it's time to move on entirely.

Who knew that Kenny could be so wise?


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