Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Are you all watching this?

As the United States goes through one of it's most significant elections in history (a black man for president, or one of the oldest presidents with the first female vice-president), in the beginning of one of the most significant recessions in the country's history, I keep checking out CNN to see where it all stands... and I realize that I'm watching history take place.

What about the rest of you?

Do you remember when you heard about Tiananmen Square? How about when the Berlin Wall fell, or when Princess Diana was killed during a high speed chase in Paris? What about when Superman (Christopher Reeves) fell off a horse and broke his neck, or when Islamic fundementalists flew planes into the World Trade Center? Or the day that Jim Henson, the creator of the Muppets, died suddenly from a strep infection?

The point is, every day and in every way, history is happening - and all of these events had some sort of effect on your everday life. How greatly it affects you may be different from one person to the next... but they're there. It's a prime example of the aforementioned "butterfly effect" - the only question is, how aware of it are you? Because when you're unaware of the wake of these changes, you have no ability to steer your way through, with, or around them... and you're nothing more than a passenger.

Trust me people. Open your eyes to what's happening around you, and learn how to navigate your ship... before you suddenly find that you're no longer in control of your direction.

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