Monday, July 21, 2008

live learn and pass it on...

When I arrived in Alberta 12 years ago I couldn't ask the person at the corner store to put my sandwich in the microwave, I couldn't remember how to pronounce microwave! I wanted to get better and started reading English books but they were all too long and I would get lost in them. I found the books" Live, learn and pass it on". Quotes taken from people about what they have learned so far in life. I really enjoyed the books and I wanted to share a few quotes with you. Also, since I have been very fortunate to be around people like you in the last year, I wanted you to share one of your favorite things you have lived, learned and passed on. 

I've learned that... 
I've learned that most of the things I worry about never happen. -age 64 
I've learned that every great achievement was once considered impossible. -age 47 
I've learned that you can't hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk. -age 7 
I've learned that if there were no problems there would be no opportunities. -age 19 
I've learned that it doesn't cost anything to be nice. -age 66 
I've learned that the important thing is not what others think of me but what I think of me. -age 38
I've learned that you should always leave loved ones with loving words, it may be the last time you see them. -age 50
I've learned that money is a lousy way of keeping score. -age 32
I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catchers mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back. -age 64
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn. -age 92

I've learned that no matter how passionate I am about something, I can't make everyone I know feel the same and that's ok- Isabelle age 32

your turn...


Paul Chung said...

I've learned that I am more than just a personal trainer and that what I do is more than just a job.

Justine Boulin said...

I've learned it's ok to make mistakes and 'fall' so to speak, and I've learned the more you surround yourself with great people, the easier it becomes to get back up

Thanks Isabelle

Anonymous said...

I've learned that you can't hold everyone to your own goals & level of expectations or else you will never be satisfied.

Joshua Allen said...
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Joshua Allen said...

I have learned that what you put in is directly proportional to what you get out... goes for anything in life.
