Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Opportunities - Rebirth

A couple weeks ago I wrote about an opportunity that was presented to me. To support for a brief second in time, a family committed to making a difference. I was offered a chance to ride out from Kits beach with a family that had planned to ride across Canada. Benefiting the same foundation JDRF as our cross Canada ride late last year. On that day I followed through with what I said I was going to do and took part in their first chapter. As short as it was, it made an impact on me and made those I shared it with, feel good.

Fast forward.

Last week, that family of riders were struck by a car on the Trans-Canada Highway. Their support vehicle was an hour ahead, parked on the side of the road. The father was killed, his friend who was supporting was killed, his daughter broke her leg and his son sustained minor injuries…. It turns out a car was passing them on a single lane portion of the road and when a car appeared in the oncoming lane, the car swerved back and side-swiped the four riders…

Sadness, sorrow and mourning towards the families involved. Anger that it happened. Questions: How did this happen? What now? One must choose to think positively and progressively even in times like this.

It is unclear of the next steps in terms of the completion of the ride, time will only tell. Be sure of this – there will be opportunities that come next…From every action there is a reaction.

When an opportunity is on the table, don’t just thoughtlessly pass it by without truly giving it a chance.
Conversely – don’t just let it pass you by without choosing to create opportunities.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rich. great perspective & something that we can't take for granted. accidents do happen.

however, most things are preventable & most things we can avoid. so, plan, execute, and create 99% of our future - instead of letting our surroundings plan us.

we will be that much further ahead in life.