Monday, November 17, 2008

The Importance of Support

We are fortunate to work in an environment where we are constantly surrounded by supportive people. That is our nature, that is what we do.

Personally, I am extremely lucky to not only work at a place that supports me in everything that I do, but also my parents have and continue to support, watch and cheer in all my activities from sporting events, charity races or functions, and much more. They are always there taking pictures, bringing the extra water and fuel, and being there when I cross that finish line to congratulate me.

I feel that when I was an adolescent, I never fully grasped the concept or appreciated how much my parents did for me, by driving me to all my practices and games, provided me with my equipment, team fees and anything else I would need for each sport. I can’t remember one game or race that they were not at.

Reflecting back on all that they have done for me, I now truly appreciated and am humbled by all their support. I now make a point of thanking them, make sure I spend time with them after my game/race and introduce them to my teammates or fellow racers. I know that I have a unique family, and I am so grateful for them to continue to come out and support me. I know that from the example that my parents have set, that it will make me want to support my family, friends, customers and coworkers in anything that they do.

The importance of supporting a family member, friend, or customer is a matter of being there for that person and them having someone to share their accomplishment with. They may not always thank you for being there but deep down they are so happy that you came and took effort out of your day to be there. Who knows, down the road when you are accomplishing a challenge they will be there for you.

My advice and challenge to you, is to go out and support someone when they least expect it. It will show them that you care, you believe in them and you will be at the finish line waiting to celebrate the victory with them.

1 comment:

MJ said...

Hey Kate,

Your parents are awesome.... they are a fixture at the races.

I liked this post a lot. Supporting others at an event or a race is one of the more satisfying things to do in life. It means a lot to the competitor - especially if they didn't expect to see you there, or if they couldn't be there without your support.

You IF coaches are lucky to get to experience this feeling almost as much as you desire.
