Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Modern Communication

It's funny, actually. I was watching Kung Fu Panda this weekend, and there was a line that I found very poignant: "There is no good news or bad news - there is only news. It is, what we make of it."

Well, this past Saturday I decided to end all questions and make my plan to spend the rest of my life with Sasha public knowledge. Although I had actually already asked her on the Great Wall of China, it seemed time to make it official with a ring.

How does this relate to Kung Fu Panda you ask?

Well, once we told our families, we simply changed our posting on Facebook - and I can't even begin to tell you how many people complained about finding out that way. But the way I see it, imagine if there wasn't a Facebook? How could I possibly let everyone that I want to know that I'm getting married, and not drop the ball and forget someone? Even though the others would have appreciated the phone call, how would that one, two or three other people that I didn't tell feel when they finally did find out?

No, for once I actually appreciate what Facebook has allowed us to do. Instead of running the risk of missing someone, I've actually been able to let everyone know at once... and no one has to feel left out. It's the modern day equivelant of posting it in your local paper under "Announcements" - except a) that came with a cost, b) it went to the entire world, instead of your entire world, and c) not everyone reads the same paper.

So lament, if you will, the direction modern communication has gone - pine for the good old days. I, for one, in an uncharacteristicly optimimistic manner am going to embrace this convenience, and appreciate it for the good that it has brought... at least in this case.


1 comment:

jiwanaka said...

Congrats to the both of you.