Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Aspire to Inspire

"The test we must set for ourselves is not to march alone but to march in such a way that others will wish to join us."

-Hubert Humphry, U.S. Vice President, Senator

Not too long ago I found myself discussing the importance of inspiration with a customer. She commented that while doing the most difficult part of the hour, when the weights are heavy, she can't catch her breath or one more seems utterly impossible, but it's not, and she is successful its largely due to someone providing inspiration.

She talked briefly about how important it is to her to feel that someone has done what she is about to do before and that someone is rooting her on and that someone believes that she will be successful in this task.

I began to think about the importance of inspiration on all of its levels. As a coach it is one of the things I love so much about my job. I am that person rooting her on. I wouldn't be asking her if I thought she would fail and while she might not believe in herself at that moment I do.

I began to think about where I draw my inspirations from and how my day to day life is affected by the examples set by others whether purposefully or subconsciously. I have sources whereby I draw inspiration to work that much harder, not give up until a task is complete, and although I am not always successful that is sometimes not the point.
Much like the idea of mentor-ship, leading those around you is best done by being consistent and to always act as though you are setting an example. There are many leaders and many followers who will always play these roles but there are also those who aspire to inspire.

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