Wednesday, July 15, 2009


It's rare that I'll find myself agreeing in any way with something that Bill O'Reilly or Geraldo Rivera have to say. In fact, more often than not, the thoughts that they share simply agitate me. But, once in a blue moon, they put forward a point or idea that I'm forced to acknowledge has merit (you know what they say about monkeys and typewriters, right?).

Anyway, the most recent case of this was when they expressed disdain for the Michael Jackson memorial. For the most part, I tuned out the rants about his questionable behavior with children, or the incredibly overblown proportions of the media attentions - but what did, in fact, stick out for me was their criticisms of the "celebrities" who turned out at this event to cry and moan, and talk about how important Michael Jackson was and what a loss we've all suffered at his early exit.

Well, what Bill and Geraldo asked was: where were you when he was on trial for child molestation? So very, very many of these people were absolutely no where to be seen when he was on trial - nor were any of them heard from. They weren't on the television, standing beside him and offering platitudes then... no, they had their backs turned and were staring off, pretending not to be aware of what was going on. And then, suddenly, everyone's celebrating Michael Jackson as a champion, as a hero... and there they are, lining up to be seen crying and offering tributes to the "King of Pop". Now, I'm not saying that if they felt he was abusing children, they should have been getting his back anyway - but what I AM saying is that they are doing one of two things: ignoring this horrific fact because right now everyone's forgotten about it, or worse - they never believed it in the first place, but didn't want to be associated with him by publicly supporting their "friend".

Either way - shame on them.

Stand by your convictions - whether it's ethical, moral or simply cheering on your home team.

Give people someone to believe in.


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