Monday, July 27, 2009

What makes a good speaker?

This past weekend the leaders of Innovative Fitness got together to discuss our companies opportunities in the future, our current situations and growing as a group/individuals to lead our respective facilities. During this forum, we were very fortunate to listen to a guest speaker – Mike Bushore.

He is one of the top speakers I have had the privilege to listen to. He is a customer at the White Rock facility who is the chief innovation officer at Coast Capital Savings. He has given speeches and presentations to some of the biggest organizations in the world, such as Microsoft. His presentation this weekend was about how a business can be successful by being different.

The message and tips he was able to share were all ideas and concepts that we have heard but he was able to shine the light in a different way. During the presentation, every leader hung off every word he said, laughed at his jokes and made the connection with what he was saying to our current situations.

What made him such an inspiring speaker?
1. He spoke on a subject that we needed to hear. He was able to provide real life examples and relate them to us.
2. He connected with us. He told stories and funny incidents that related to the material that followed.
3. He did not only say what we wanted to hear, but what we needed to hear. He gave us fresh ideas and a new outlook on things.
4. He made 3 points in his speech. He did not bulldoze us with information; he kept it simple, valid and easy to follow. He illustrated a story for each point and made it relevant to us.
5. He brought you into his presentation by asking questions and made you feel that you were the only person in that room.

I was very inspired after Mike’s speech and wished he could have gone on to share more of his ideas and concepts to make us a better more successful company.

The next time I present or speak infornt of a group, I am going to take these five points and use them in my presentation as best I can.

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