Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The long road to Australia…

There is no road that leads anywhere that doesn’t have its ups and downs. In fact we should never want our roads to be bump free…for how are we able to learn or experience anything without the peaks and valleys that life has to throw at us?

My long road to Australia started last fall in 2008. An invitation was sent out…a challenge…and the opportunity was open. I personally jumped at the possibility which I felt was another chance of a lifetime that I felt I had received. To be asked to ride across Canada in 2007 and now this – a chance to do it all over again except this time in the land down under…what an amazing concept and how fortunate was I to be asked to be part of the team!

Let’s step back in time…last summer we were busy with our summer events. Many of us spread ourselves thin and some may even do a little too much, but our passion usually gets us through to that finish line injury free. Well, to close the loop here, I ended up injuring myself during the West Coast Trail hike. I knew something bad happened but I had no idea that I had torn my medial meniscus in my right knee and damaged it enough to warrant surgery.

Fast forward a bit. The winter months were spent on the spinner building a base and developing power. Towards the end of the indoor season, I knew I had a major problem. Driving was becoming more painful and walking properly after a spin class was difficult.

I was blessed and was giving a chance to jump the line for an MRI – right after I went back for a CT Scan. After seeing multiple Dr’s I got in with the best knee guy in town. Dr. Brian Day. I went to see him and for 500$ he moved my knee around and told me I needed surgery without a doubt. He said I was strong but that my injury was catching up and I needed to make a decision on what to do. I decided to go the private route and pay to get fixed right away…

Within a couple weeks I was on the operating table getting knocked out…I woke up in a daze and a monster bandage on my knee. The tide had changed and I was now on the road to recovery..

This road has had many road bumps. The training, the pain, the good times, the memories…

Last week I posted that I was looking for support and couple days after I sent out a personalized note to many asking for the same support…with an open heart I am happy to share that I have raised over half of what’s needed to pay for my ticket to Australia..

Thank you so very much for all your support so far!

More updates to come…the journey on the road to Australia is not over…in fact it will truly begin when we clip-in…

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