Tuesday, July 21, 2009

..support with a personal touch..

In 2004, I experienced my first doubles session at the Innovative Fitness kits location..I got my butt kicked. My sister trained there and asked me if I wanted to try it when her partner was away…well I trained in kits several times and then followed her to the west van location. Of course I was getting my butt kicked there too but what I was witnessing in both locations was the pure energy of the team and that something special that attracts constant positive energy into the doors..
I was hooked and asked our trainer Curtis how I could get on the team. He asked me for coffee right then because I guess it was his lunch break. We went to Delany’s and he wrote down on a piece of paper the specific certifications and first aid that I needed to apply. I focused myself and in the fall of 2005, I came back with the base knowledge I needed and joined the team right away.
Since I have been with Innovative Fitness I have succeeded in more than I thought possible. From jumping out of a plane to snowmobiling in Alaska…a half ironman, marathon and a seven day mtn bike race to name a few more. I have also been lucky enough to help raise money and awareness for many charities. In 2007 we flew to Cambodia and experienced ancient civilizations and volunteering at the ankor wat children’s hospital raising almost 15k of support…all while running a half marathon as our physical focus. For the last 3years we have been working with Canuck Place Children’s Hospice. Raising awareness with Train the Trainer and the Innovative Fitness Adventure Race events...
Finally, in 2007 I was lucky to be selected for team H2V, riding across Canada and raising awareness and a million dollars for juvenile diabetes..a Guinness Book of world records affair..

Well…it’s happening again, except this time it’s in Australia! We are leaving on Aug 18th and are looking to relay from Cairns to Melbourne in 5 days and raise additional awareness and monies for Juvenile Diabetes.. www.cyclebetes.com/au/

Now, this is the part where I am asking for support…with a personal touch…Everything is going well with fundraising..we have bikes, rv’s, food, gas..but no airline ticket..the deadline has come and past and we had to purchase tickets. My return ticket was around 2k and I have been lucky enough to have a donor step forward and help part of the purchase.

*I am asking for support with a personal touch in the form of 5-10-50 dollars…anything will help..

Now, what’s in it for you? the satisfaction that another dream is being lived..getting to ride almost 5000kms with friends in a record breaking attempt while raising major awareness for Juvenile Diabetes through Australia..this will be very special for me..

Some personal touch bonuses…I will write contributor names on my cycling jersey, write about you in our blogs and any monies raised over what is needed for my airfare will be donated to the Canuck Place Children’s Hospice the name of a donator I pull from a hat! This is a win win!

Thank you for reading and thank you very much for considering a donation..
With Care,

Richard Alm
for donation inquires *

ps – please contact me for any additional information regarding anything mentioned in my letter

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