Monday, July 13, 2009

Jamie’s Eat to Save Your Life.

Last night I watched a British television show called “Jamie’s Eat to Safe Your life”. Over the past 15 years, in Great Britain or “Fat Britain”, overweight and unhealthy lifestyles have taken a toll for the worse. Obesity rates in the UK have suggested that nearly a quarter of adults are now classified as clinically obese. Since 2003, deaths directly related to obesity has increased 35% in Great Britain, due to related diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and blood clots.

This show had 4 experts (a physician, an anatomist, a fitness expert and a nutritionist) who took 18 volunteers and dramatically showed them exactly what effects their terrible diets are doing to them and how they can change their eating habits to save their life.

Jamie would physically reveal a volunteers daily diet and show them exactly how much fat, sugar, salt, empty calories, low nutrients and vitamins were in their meals. Explaining to them that their eating style is a major risk factor for life threatening diseases such as heart disease cancer and diabetes. Some of his dramatic demonstration included a lady sitting in a bath tub and pouring the gallons of fat she would typically eat in one day, or laying out the foods a volunteer ate in one day and then telling them that if you just cut down that 1 latte (instead of 3) and 1 class of wine (instead of 3), you would automatically save 300 calories per day.

The anatomist expert conducted autopsies to graphically reveal the terrible damage the volunteers diets were doing to their organs, in particularly their over-sized hearts, clogged arteries, damaged livers and their organs that were covered in fat.

What was interesting about this show was the visual aspects. A lot of the time we suggest, tell or inform others on what to eat and advise them that if they changed their diets or cut out a few things then they would lose those few extra pounds and live a longer healthier life.

However, pictures speak a thousand words.

My advise is the next time you have a customer, family member or friend that is having problems with their diet, physically show them pictures, videos or graphics to make them see exactly what they are doing to their bodies.

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