Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Top Five Mistakes We Can Make as Leaders

I was reading a few articles the other day, and I came across a couple that really hit home. What was great about them was the way that they complimented each other...

The way I see it, everything's a pendulum - things will constantly swing back and forth from one side to another. They key for us, as leaders, is to constantly work at a smaller range of side-to-side motions, so that we're level, consistent and intelligent in our decision-making and role modeling. So what follows is five mistakes we can make - with each end of the spectrum represented.

Number Five: Holding onto people who aren't the right fit for too long vs. Letting people go too quickly

Number Four: Trying to be everybody's friend vs. Being detached from the team

Number Three: Micromanaging vs. Delegating every single task

Number Two: Flaunting the advantages of leadership vs. Making your job look like the last thing anyone would want to do

And the number one mistake we can make if we swing too far in either direction: Having a team that can never get on board vs. Having a team of people who will never challenge the status quo


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