Monday, August 31, 2009
A Success Story
She was 370lbs when she walked through our doors and is now currently 294lbs. However, our (myself and a fellow coach Kevin) main objective was not about her constantly thinking about her weightloss. We wanted her to enjoy coming here to workout and have fun. We set her up on a program, persuaded her to come to her sessions half an hour early to do her own cardio and held her accountably and educated her on nutrition.
The friendship started right away with both Kevin and I. We each brought something different to her workouts and provided a proper but fun workout. She couldn’t do the “big destinations” like the hiking series or the 10km races, so we made a point of creating our own in “house challenges”. The look of determination and hard work that was on Carol’s face was rewarding after every challenge she accomplished.
Carol’s Challenges:
1. Getting on the Stairmaster and doing 10floors.
2. 2mile bike test
3. Kayaking – she never thought she would be able to get in a kayak again
4. Walking up 24th St.
and lastly
Last Tuesday, Kevin, Carol and I accomplished this challenge. Carol’s family and friends thought she was crazy and was definitely not going to make it. However, Kevin and I believed in her. We trained for it, we came prepared, we kept her motivated the whole way up and we were 100% behind her every step of the way. She accomplished this goal in 1hr 42min, which is an amazing time! The smile and brightness in her eyes is something you can’t described. She was on top of the moon (or mountain) and ecstatic that she proved all her family and friends wrong that thought she couldn’t do it.
She is an amazing person and I am truly humbled to be able to be apart of her journey. Helping a person achieve something they thought was never possible and to be there when they do, is something everyone should experience.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Our Deepest Fear

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Who sways your opinion??

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Change and Reinvention

"Be the change you want to see in the world." (Mahatma Ghandi, 1869-1948)
It's not something that comes easily to any of us - in fact, if you refer to the article "Change or Die", you can see that the odds any of us will make any sort of significant change, even facing death - is 9 to 1.
9 to 1!!! That's just over 10%... now, can you imagine trying to change the policies of an entire country?
Just ask Obama how that's going. Ironic, when you consider that he was elected on a platform of "Change". If you are that afraid of it, why would you vote for him?
Because change, when it's merely a concept is appealing - it offers hope. But the truth is, when you're faced with the actual, concrete reality... well, suddenly where you are seems much more appealing. Why put yourself out there, and take a risk - even if the reward is greater? Especially if you're more or less comfortable with how things are now?
I'll tell you why - change is necessary to evolve. Change is often reactive - meaning it happens as a result of current situations. However, if we (as societies AND as individuals) could only take a PROactive approach instead - can you imagine how much farther ahead we'd be? If we looked down the road at what was coming, and made the move in the right direction prior to being forced into it when the moment happens?
It starts with each of us - society itself is the combination of individuals. If you keep waiting for everyone else to begin to change before you do - then we are all going to continue on in a stagnant, slow moving river leading to mediocrity and oblivion.
Or die.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
in the land down under...
well, last week on aug18 we began took off...
the best beginning to share is the fact that we were upgraded to first class on our long 16hr flight over to Oz. seriously, we got on the plane and the three of us had our very own pod to call home for the time in the air. I have taken many plane rides and because of my size, getting comfortable is very difficult. we experienced 3 course meals and snacks between sleeping for over 11hrs...what if you could stretch out completely and watch a movie while drinking red wine and eating cheese...
once we arrived in sidney, we jumped on our connection to took off to cairns. matt, curtis and I were met by our 3 new ozzy friends (cam, mick and nelson) these guys are amazing and right from the start we knew we were in for a treat.
the first night was a night to get to know each other and lets just say that it was one to remember with us ripping up the night life in cairns and really getting down to business!
we actually time travelled to get here and we are still asking ourselves what time it is and what date it is at home..
be sure to check the innovative fitness facebook page for our daily updates, pictures and videos.
I would like to share a couple keys points..
-if you plan for something, anything is possible
-if you have the right people in place, even the hardest tasks are achievable and even fun
-if you stay positive, nothing can stand in your way
we are half way around the world doing something that nobody has ever tried...riding from cairns to melbourne in 8days with 5riders in hopes to raise awareness and funds for juvenile diabetes...we are surrounded by some of the most generous people we have ever met and having a's only the 4day of riding and this is shaping up to be high up on our list of best trips of all times...quite frankly, there's nothing stopping it from getting to number one.
really, it always comes back to team
ps - another special thanks to all those who made this possible from me to experience the best trip/ adventure/ journey/ road trip/ rv life/ ride of my life
best, richard
Friday, August 21, 2009
What 'Drives' You?

Reader’s Digest: What attractes you to a guest?
Stroumboulopoulos: I like honest people. And people who like to work. Creative, dedicated work-horses. Because I like it when it’s not a job, it’s a drive.
I interpret the ‘drive’ that he sepaks about as passion. I believe that success is the result of putting your heart, and mind into something to create meaningful work. A great ‘real time’ example of this comes from a conference that Malcom Gladwell gave in San Fransisco. He said that Bill Gates got up at 2:00am to program as a teenager, while the Beatles played together 1200 times, far more that most bands, before they ever got famous.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Red Bull Flugtag

The reason I bring this up is simple. Events like this one, the cheese wheel rolling event witnessed recently in Whistler, and other silly organized good times people participate in all the time all around the world tells us something. People, no matter what their language, religious beliefs, race, all work hard, all have deep responsibilities and need to let off steam. Some do so with mates at a pub while others relax in a way that requires a costume but in the maylay of war, irresponsible government, parenting, natural disasters we need to remember that balance is part of what we facilitate. Work hard, play hard.
-Angela Tames
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Who's To Blame?

You see, while both of the parties involved in this example should certainly be ashamed of themselves, I believe that the responsibility for the progression and continuation of these tragedies is actually our fault. Not unlike the way traffic slows as people pass an accident, so the rubberneckers can feast their eyes on other's misery, we continue to make behaviour like these to examples demonstrate... profitable. And if it's profitable, then it will continue to be produced - that simple.
So - how can we change this?
This, then, is when the government should step in. Yes, it's a touchy subject - at what point does it become "Big Brother" or "1984", where a small minority decides what we should and shouldn't be watching - but I think that as soon as children are involved, it is the government's responsibility to step in and take care of them. Cancel "Jon and Kate" - remove the monetary value of the children and force Kate to be their mother not because she makes a dollar off of it, but because she's their mom. Take away the "celebrity" status from Jon, and maybe people will see him as he actually is - an overweight, balding man going through an early mid-life crisis. Maybe, just maybe - they'd step and and become parents to these poor kids. And don't even give the Octomom a chance - get her away from those kids as quickly as possible, and give them a chance to be raised properly by someone who doesn't just see dollar signs when they look at them.
I realize this is a simplification of something that needs a much deeper adjustment, but the worst thing we can do as individuals is sit back and let it happen.
Take a stand. Turn off the tv, and don't read the tabloids. Save your time and energy for people who deserve our attention because they've achieved something of note - and don't encourage the type of behaviour listed above by supplying an audience.
And stop staring at accidents as you drive by. You wouldn't want anyone looking in on your misery, you're slowing down traffic - and worst of all, you may cause an accident yourself.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Today we get on the plane to Australia!

Another short story…
In Feb of 2009 Matt Young was approached by an investment banker out of the US to organize “an epic trip for he and his friends to accomplish”. The only criterion was it had to be something ‘big’, they would remember and have to train for. After ruling out the hardest hiking trail in the world (where 1 person dies each year by native tribes who have not yet been discovered) Matt asked Andrew’s thoughts on a bike ride in Australia. From here, the stage was set – let’s ride across Oz and... since our friends are riding across Canada at the same time, let’s ride for charity and make it internationalUnanimous “IN”. There were to be 16 riders; 8 from the US, 3 from Canada, and through the contact, a handful of Ozzzies on the ground making it happen. After all, how hard could it be to duplicate what had already been done in 07 and was being done again in 09 in our back yard? In February Australia was hit by the worse wildfires it has seen in decades, in March & April it was flooding and in May it was famine.... Jesus (literally). Needless to say the organizing group and general population in Oz was quite preoccupied so the call was made to shift from 1 million dollar fundraiser to ‘awareness campaign’. Then (in mid May) came the grand daddy of all natural disasters: contact with the JDRF charity in Oz who, after 3 conversations from Matt himself, 1 hostile conversation with the US investor and them contacting the Canadian JDRF to discuss Cyclebetes curiously never returned a call thereafter. The good news is that we have organized the coolest ride just about anywhere, the 8 American’s gradually recession-ed & injured themselves into 1 rider. Curtis & Matt & myself will be riding across our 2nd country and bringing a great deal of international exposure to the Canadian efforts. We have secured;
2 Australian actors to ride with
RV for $30 / day
free hotel in 2 provinces
1 free kick ass party at the end with a delegate from high up & free beer for 2 hrs to whomever comes and makes a donation
35k in cash sponsorship thus far and plan in swindling and whining our way into food donations gas
Our crew is 6 riders. Myself, Curtis, Matt, Andrew, Cameron & Steve and we are riding by day (not at night, except 2 provinces). We leave today (18th) and start riding on the 21st, finish on the 28th (latest) and plan on coming home and joining the Canadian team on the 13th as they pull into Victoria.... you know, for the glory ride. We’ll bring our Oz jerseys and try to make a story out of it!
Here is the Australian public service announcement for your viewing
Less than one month ago, I asked for support in the form of 20-50$ to help pay for my flight overseas, the shipping of my bike and any minor costs associated with this adventure. I am quite pleased to inform you all that because of the support of some very special people, I have met and surpassed my target goal by a couple hundred dollars!
I am very appreciative of the kind words, notes and of course donations that have come my way.Special thanks go out to: Jane b
Lynn w
Darcie y
Deb a
Dianne w
Linda l
Joyce l
Terry s
Deb c
Wayne s
Jason s
Erika a
Johann b
Wendy c
Dave s
Keith d
Cal l
Chris z
Erin c
Ed a
Ernst s
Meyrick j
Michele r
Blair n
Your names are on my jersey and I will be thinking of each and every one of you during our ride…I will send my thoughts to you with the wind..
We return to Canada at the end of the month and will be back on the training floor September 1st. See you all soon..
Looking to follow along, check out our Innovative Fitness Face Book page for updates.
Thanks again, wishing you all a great summer!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Canada Line

This will link growing residential, business, health care, educational and other centers in the region -- and adding transit capacity equivalent to 10 major road lanes. Tens of thousands of people are expected to turn out for the opening of the Canada Line.
Today Riders will be able to take a free ride between 1 p.m. and 9 p.m. PT on the new rapid transit line. There will be numerous of entertainers at the staions to create excitement for this grand opening.
This line is huge for Vancouver as it will enable us to travel to and from the downtown core to the surronding areas. As a destination based company, it will allows to travel to events and not worry about driving, car pooling and parking miles away from the race.
Some wise words from Richard Alm before he departed for his epic adventure to Australia - “Sometimes a destination can be right in your backyard, so you don’t have to fly half away around the world to do it.” He will be taking advantage of the Canada Line tomorrow as he takes it to the airport to leave for his trip.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Finding Your Voice
To me, a person’s leadership voice is an authentically articulated point of view based on integrating their values, vision, and purpose. It originates in self-awareness; it develops and deepens when combined with meaningful behaviors and culminates in a lasting contribution and professional satisfaction.
(1) What need do I sense?
(2) Do I possess a true talent that, if disciplined and applied, can meet the need?
(3) Does the opportunity to meet the need tap into my passion?
(4) Does my conscience inspire me to become involved and take action?
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Money Makes the World Go 'Round

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Put your heart into it…

When we love ourselves, we are then able to love another. Same is true about work. Oh god, did he really just write that? Yup, I did…
When we love what we do, we are able to sink in and work to our highest potential.
Look around and take a moment because watching and listening is a great way to communicate. Observation is key and as mentioned in my last blog, someone is always watching. So I invite you to take the time to watch for yourself. Check out the interaction you see on the floor…or if you’re a baker, check to see how your teammate is kneading that dough! Ones daily actions say a lot about someone and if you are tuned in, you may see a lot more than you think. Sure there are tricky people out there and those who practice deception…but I trust we have none of those within our groups…
Watch with amazement and observe patterns and examples of how people truly feel.
Are they being honest?
Are they being true to their word?
Are they enjoying what they are doing in the moment?
Or are they attempting to punch a time card because if that’s the case, we need to punch them right out (a little harsh, but the words just kinda flowed)
Back to the moral…
Put your heart into it. Ask yourself, ‘do I love what I am doing?’ and if the answer is yes then step in with both feet and if the answer is no, make a change. Now that’s not to say that one should switch gears completely, maybe there is something that can be done or altered in your current situation to change the way you feel…but that is up to you and to be honest, your heart will tell you…
Here’s the clincher, if you are able to be true to your heart, then the answer will be right in front of you!
I personally LOVE what I do and I may even go so far to say that it’s really obvious but we all have our ups and downs. It’s important to be consistent, but it’s also very important to…experience sadness to truly experience the latter…happiness ;)
Add this blog with last weeks and what do you have?
Drop a comment and let us read what you think…
An added bonus this week – we are 8days from leaving for Australia and all systems are a go, get ready for next week’s entry!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Giving Back
It is important to be that role model for someone and be able to give back your knowledge and experiences to the ones you love. When friends ask you for advice on how then can get “fit” or they want to lose “xx” pounds, you are able to help them. I love training a friend/family member and helping them get to their goals and feeling better about themselves. This is an act of friendship/love and it helps them realize what you do on a daily basis.
A couple of weeks ago I finally got my mum and her friend to come into IF. Since being at IF for just under 2 years, I have constantly asked my family to come in and see what it is all about. They come to all the events that I am in and are very supportive but have never come in and had a training session. This was a huge break through and after my mum's training session, she got a taste of what I do everyday, realized how much fun it is and now knows the reasons why I get up at 5am everyday to come in and train.
My advice to you all, is take the time out of your day to train a friend, significant other or family member. The experience they will receive will make the relationship, respect and understanding of what you do for a living that much better.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Losing Touch

It seems as though as we have gained a way to stay connected, we are losing the emotional link. We cannot express any kind of emotion, feeling or passion when we send a message to someone, but more importantly the fundamental nature can be loss while in translation. There tends to be far more misleading, misrepresentation and misreading…or perhaps it’s the cryptic nature behind these means of communication.
Don’t get me wrong, these are unbelievable tools and they definitely should be used. We would not be the successful and productive society that we are if we did not use them. However, I believe that nothing compares to actual human contact and interaction. Face to face discussions are so powerful and meaningful and nothing can compare to that.
We must remember that there is actually someone on the other end who we are communicating with. Therefore, next time you are about to Blackberry message someone, think about it…pick up the phone or make arrangements to meet, because there is nothing better than hearing their voice or better yet seeing them.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Self Esteem to the Extreme

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Why is Common Sense so Uncommon?

- If you're worried about road safety because of speed or road conditions, don't ask for a safer highway and better tires - slow down.
- If you don't fit in airplane seats, don't expect a "disabled" designation and a free extra seat - lose weight.
- If the food you're eating is unhealthy, don't blame the restaurants for serving it - stop eating it.
- If you're worried that the cost of cigarettes is getting too high - stop smoking.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Someone is always watching…

Seriously, the world is a small place and one never knows who’s watching. Wherever we are we must act like professionals. Whether we are working or not – act appropriately…
First impressions are a real time chance to act the way you want to be perceived. We seem to sometimes live in a shallow world and we all fall into the trap of judging a book by its cover – don’t provide ammunition or ‘fuel to the fire’
As times moves forward and we become more intertwined to the company, our reputations are looked at closer and closer – it seems the better we do, the greater the lens of the microscope used to keep track of us. It can be a slippery slope so please act right and perform the way you see yourself 100% of the time.
Don’t fall victim to road rage and flip someone off…what if that Chevy has your next session driving in it and they recognize you as they walk through our doors…or how about a coach is trying to book you an hour with that customer standing right there and as they are selling you they witness you acting childish, immature or worse, like you aren’t paying attention while training a customer at the that time.
Even super stars need to watch their back – clocking someone in the face is hard to hide from when you have 100,000 eyes watching your every move.
Be sure to act your age and represent yourself like the professional training coach that you are striving to be!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Importance of Rest!

We often take the time, physically to rest our bodies but how often do we take the opportunity to mentally rest our minds.
We live in a society, where we are always trying to better ourselves, stay on top of the game, make more money and be able to live a lifestyle we want. Technology of cell phones, blackberries, I Phones, allows us to be connected to everything so that we can constantly check our emails, missed calls or receive general updates. This is all wonderful technology but it is important to step away and to refrain that urge to check work/personal emails. It can be as little as a couple hours to a whole weekend, but the mind needs a rest from the day-to-day stresses that come with life.
You might think that sleeping is the best way to rest and rejuvenate you mind, however while you are sleeping you still keep processing information from the days work or any other issues that you might have. Other examples may include taking a vacation, going hiking, boating, playing a sport but how often has something suddenly come up and “pop”, your concerns are back. How often has the stress of day-to-day life reemerged in your head the minute your relaxing vacation was over?
Why is this happening? Well despite the attempts to relax, distract and slow down, the mind still processes problems in your conscious and unconscious sphere. To help us with these distractions you need to be able to control your flow of thoughts and brain waves.
Having the ability to relax and clear your mind, is the result of resting your mind.