Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Change and Reinvention

"Be the change you want to see in the world." (Mahatma Ghandi, 1869-1948)


It's not something that comes easily to any of us - in fact, if you refer to the article "Change or Die", you can see that the odds any of us will make any sort of significant change, even facing death - is 9 to 1.

9 to 1!!! That's just over 10%... now, can you imagine trying to change the policies of an entire country?

Just ask Obama how that's going. Ironic, when you consider that he was elected on a platform of "Change". If you are that afraid of it, why would you vote for him?

Because change, when it's merely a concept is appealing - it offers hope. But the truth is, when you're faced with the actual, concrete reality... well, suddenly where you are seems much more appealing. Why put yourself out there, and take a risk - even if the reward is greater? Especially if you're more or less comfortable with how things are now?

I'll tell you why - change is necessary to evolve. Change is often reactive - meaning it happens as a result of current situations. However, if we (as societies AND as individuals) could only take a PROactive approach instead - can you imagine how much farther ahead we'd be? If we looked down the road at what was coming, and made the move in the right direction prior to being forced into it when the moment happens?

It starts with each of us - society itself is the combination of individuals. If you keep waiting for everyone else to begin to change before you do - then we are all going to continue on in a stagnant, slow moving river leading to mediocrity and oblivion.


Or die.


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