Thursday, August 20, 2009

Red Bull Flugtag

Have you ever heard of this?? Well I certainly hadn't. I seems that all around the world, every year, regular people are encouraged to create a craft that is human powered with the hopes that if they launch it off a 6.7 meter high deck that it will fly. Most often what you see in this picture is the result, in fact you can watch the top ten disasterous attempts at and giggle at the attempts of various people from various countries all do the same thing with no success.

The reason I bring this up is simple. Events like this one, the cheese wheel rolling event witnessed recently in Whistler, and other silly organized good times people participate in all the time all around the world tells us something. People, no matter what their language, religious beliefs, race, all work hard, all have deep responsibilities and need to let off steam. Some do so with mates at a pub while others relax in a way that requires a costume but in the maylay of war, irresponsible government, parenting, natural disasters we need to remember that balance is part of what we facilitate. Work hard, play hard.

-Angela Tames

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