Monday, August 3, 2009

Importance of Rest!

Mental and Physical rest is important to keep mind, body and soul in one piece. Whether it is physical rest, where are bodies have been put through vigorous training and it needs the time to rebuild or it is mental rest, where you need to get away from your familiar surroundings and not think about the daily stresses that you go through.

We often take the time, physically to rest our bodies but how often do we take the opportunity to mentally rest our minds.

We live in a society, where we are always trying to better ourselves, stay on top of the game, make more money and be able to live a lifestyle we want. Technology of cell phones, blackberries, I Phones, allows us to be connected to everything so that we can constantly check our emails, missed calls or receive general updates. This is all wonderful technology but it is important to step away and to refrain that urge to check work/personal emails. It can be as little as a couple hours to a whole weekend, but the mind needs a rest from the day-to-day stresses that come with life.

You might think that sleeping is the best way to rest and rejuvenate you mind, however while you are sleeping you still keep processing information from the days work or any other issues that you might have. Other examples may include taking a vacation, going hiking, boating, playing a sport but how often has something suddenly come up and “pop”, your concerns are back. How often has the stress of day-to-day life reemerged in your head the minute your relaxing vacation was over?

Why is this happening? Well despite the attempts to relax, distract and slow down, the mind still processes problems in your conscious and unconscious sphere. To help us with these distractions you need to be able to control your flow of thoughts and brain waves.

Having the ability to relax and clear your mind, is the result of resting your mind.

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