Wednesday, August 12, 2009


"Firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values" - from Merriam-Webster

Would be nice if the provincial government could show a little more integrity, wouldn't it?
I'm speaking, of course, about the upcoming HST, or harmonized sales tax. For those who aren't aware of what I'm talking about - shame on you. Pay attention to your world, especially to things like this that can have such a monumental impact on your lives. I'm not going to spoonfeed this particular portion of the information, but I will say this - if you don't already own your home, if the HST comes in it will put all of your plans in serious jeopardy. Want to know why? Look into it...
However, I will also say this - it's not the addition of yet another tax that bothers me, per se. As the saying goes - the only two things in life which are guaranteed are death and taxes. I figure if it's not the HST, then they'll get us somewhere else.
No, what bothers me is the blatant arrogance of it's implemention. During the election, the Liberals were directly questioned on the possibility of bringing in the HST by parties concerned by the implementation of an HST in Ontario. This was their response:
"Such items that are currently PST-exempt include energy-efficient appliances, membership fees for clubs and gyms, newspapers and magazines, taxi fares, restaurant food and the professional services of architects and accountants. This is a major concern. The harmonized GST would make it harder for future provincial governments to lower or raise sales tax rates, which reduces flexibility. In short, a harmonized GST is not something that is contemplated in the B.C. Liberal platform."
Then, out of the blue - they try to slide in the HST with absolutely no public consultation. In fact - they announced it the same day that the Braidwood enquiry announced their findings on Tasers. Now, perhaps I'm being bit of a conspiracy theorist, but it seems interesting that they announced it quietly when a highly publicized enquiry announces their results, doesn't it?
The point being - it's not the inevitable addition of another tax, it's not even the harm it's going to do to sectors like real estate and restaurants... no, it's the fact that they said they were not going to do it, and were elected on this platform. Now, suddenly, with no consultation or explanation... they've changed their minds.
Let's take this lesson and implement it in our own leadership styles - a) don't promise something you're not going to follow through on, and b) if you're going to change directions, for whatever reason - be transparent about it. Don't try and pull a fast one on the people who you're leading, and who have their trust in you.
Just ask the BC Liberals how it's going for them.

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