Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Put your heart into it…

When we love ourselves, we are then able to love another. Same is true about work. Oh god, did he really just write that? Yup, I did…

When we love what we do, we are able to sink in and work to our highest potential.

Look around and take a moment because watching and listening is a great way to communicate. Observation is key and as mentioned in my last blog, someone is always watching. So I invite you to take the time to watch for yourself. Check out the interaction you see on the floor…or if you’re a baker, check to see how your teammate is kneading that dough! Ones daily actions say a lot about someone and if you are tuned in, you may see a lot more than you think. Sure there are tricky people out there and those who practice deception…but I trust we have none of those within our groups…

Watch with amazement and observe patterns and examples of how people truly feel.

Are they being honest?

Are they being true to their word?

Are they enjoying what they are doing in the moment?

Or are they attempting to punch a time card because if that’s the case, we need to punch them right out (a little harsh, but the words just kinda flowed)

Back to the moral…

Put your heart into it. Ask yourself, ‘do I love what I am doing?’ and if the answer is yes then step in with both feet and if the answer is no, make a change. Now that’s not to say that one should switch gears completely, maybe there is something that can be done or altered in your current situation to change the way you feel…but that is up to you and to be honest, your heart will tell you…

Here’s the clincher, if you are able to be true to your heart, then the answer will be right in front of you!

I personally LOVE what I do and I may even go so far to say that it’s really obvious but we all have our ups and downs. It’s important to be consistent, but it’s also very important to…experience sadness to truly experience the latter…happiness ;)

Add this blog with last weeks and what do you have?

Drop a comment and let us read what you think…

An added bonus this week – we are 8days from leaving for Australia and all systems are a go, get ready for next week’s entry!

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